Page 5 - Annual Meeting, 2022
P. 5

One of the highlights of 2021 was the outdoor Christmas pageant that St Peter’s created,
               and which put our unique and beautiful outdoor spaces to work as we enacted the Good
               News of Jesus’ birth.  Many thanks to the Heimbachs for sharing their front porch for the
               beginning of the pageant.    This outdoor pageant brought our community together.  In
               addition to members of St Peter’s, friends of St Peter’s, an angel from Memorial Baptist, and
               others in the community, we presented the Christmas story to those who came from as far
               away as Bowling Green and King George to see the Christmas story unfold outdoors in
               scripture and in song.

                                                                                      After a several years
                                                                                      of work, we dedicated
                                                                                      our outdoor pavilion
                                                                                      in September 2021 in
                                                                                      memory of Dr. John R.
                                                                                      Sellers, Sr.  The
                                                                                      dedication program
                                                                                      featured music that
                                                                                      had special
                                                                                      connections to John
                                                                                      and his life, and was
                                                                                      performed by Helmut
                                                                                      Linne von Berg and
                                                                                      Jim Heimbach.  After
                                                                                      the service, many in
               the congregation provided a lovely reception for John’s family that took place in the shelter
               of the pavilion on that rainy afternoon.  The pavilion gives us an outdoor space for prayer,
               reflection, meetings, and gathering for coffee hours.  The pavilion starred in the Christmas
               pageant as the stable at Bethlehem.  This space is truly a gift to our parish.

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