Page 2 - Annual Meeting, 2022
P. 2

About the Cover

               The cover focuses on St Peter’s ministries which continued and grew during 2021, despite
               the ongoing pandemic.   We regathered in person for worship on Palm Sunday after having
               met almost exclusively on Zoom for most of 2020.
               By the summer of 2021, we were doing most of our work together in person again. We’ve
               learned to adapt quickly to the constantly changing challenges of the pandemic. The Village
               Dinner returned in 2021 as take out only.  The in-house dining option has resumed in those
               months when the virus rate has decreased.  The Village Harvest food distribution went
               from a market style distribution to one in which already packed bags are delivered to the
               client’s vehicles.  Worship services have both in church participants as well as those who
               attend on Zoom.

               Both the ECW and the ECM came up with new ministries. The ECW did a day of soup
               deliveries in March and held a plant sale in the fall as part of our observance of The Season
               of Creation.   The ECM sent out Thanksgiving cards.   Sacred Ground, the group working on
               racial reconciliation and healing, continued learning about the effects of racism in our
               nation by reading three books, and then coming up with action plans focused on continued
               work to promote racial reconciliation in the community.

               The most audacious act of the year was certainly the Jamaican mission trip. Andrea Pogue
               inspired St Peter’s and friends to raise $3,000 for the Victoria School in Jamaica.  St Peter’s
               provided and shipped school supplies to Jamaica and seven people from St Peter’s went to
               Jamaica to meet the faculty and the students of the Victoria School and to hand out the book
               bags in person. Both the ECW and the Vestry provided additional funds for the school at the
               end of the year from their outreach budgets.  The 2021 event has become a launch pad for
               additional support we can provide to that community.

               In 2021, St Peter’s contributed over $12,000 to the local community, the nation and the
               1. The church collected 292 bottles of hand sanitizer for Caroline’s Promise for their school
               supplies distribution  for Caroline County Schools on July 31, 2021.
               2. The ECM raised $2,300 and worked with Caroline County Social Services to provide
               Thanksgiving and Christmas help to various families.
               3. Giving Tuesday raised $900 for the Village Harvest.  Our food distribution celebrated its
               7th anniversary in November, 2021.
               4. The Vestry contributed $3,000 to various charities.
               5. ECW donated $3,000 to various charities – locally, nationally and internally. These funds
               were raised from the monthly Village Dinners.

               The website describes 35 events in text and picture that told the story in 2021

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