Holy Baptism is the sacrament by which God accepts us as his children and makes us members of Christ’s Body. Baptism is available at any time for children or adults with instruction required of Godparents and all adults to be baptized. The Priest-in-Charge asks that a minimum of thirty days notice be given for preparation and instruction. The sacrament of Baptism is administered on Sunday mornings as part of the congregation’s weekly celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
There are five days in the church year that are recommended as times to administer the sacrament of Baptism: Easter (Vigil), Pentecost, the First Sunday after the Epiphany, All Saint’s Day, and on the day when the Bishop makes his annual visitation to our church.
Confirmation and Reception
Confirmation is the sacrament where older children and adults declare and affirm before a Bishop the vows made for them at their baptism and take on adult responsibility for the life and mission of the Church. The Bishop lays hands on each candidate and prays for God to give them the grace they need for the living of the life of Christ. All adult members are expected to present themselves for Confirmation by the Bishop. Instruction is provided annually for those interested in presenting themselves for Confirmation on the day of the Bishop’s annual visitation.
Reception into the Episcopal Church is a sacramental rite for baptized Christians who have been confirmed in other denominations by a bishop in apostolic succession (Roman Catholic, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, or Eastern Orthodox) and wish to be received into the Episcopal Church by the Bishop. Those who have been baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal Church but for some special reason wish to re-commit themselves to the life of faith may also choose to reaffirm their baptismal covenant with the Bishop.
Holy Matrimony
Those desiring to be married in the Church are required to take instruction and counsel, as well as, to fulfill the requirements of a thirty-day waiting period prescribed by the Canons of the Church. Where one or both of the couple have been previously married and divorced, permission from the Bishop to be married must be secured after counsel with the Priest-in-Charge, which will require more than thirty days.
All details need to be worked out with the Priest-in-Charge or other clergy in advance so that there be no conflict in scheduling. The Priest-in-Charge will consult with the couple to assist with the logistics for this important event in their lives.
There are no fees required for the services of the clergy, but gifts to the Priest-in-Charge’s Discretionary Fund are welcomed. Couples are asked to make a thank-offering to an institution of their choice, be it the Church or a charity of good work, as an expression of their gratitude to God. Fees may be required for the services of musicians, the sexton, and the use of church facilities by non-members.