ECW, Episcopal Church Women, continues a long tradition of service to the parish, the community and beyond. They sponsor the popular Village Dinners on the first Wednesday of each month and Coffee Hour on the first Sunday of the month following the 11AM service.
ECM, Episcopal Church Men is involved in projects around the Church and community, including adopting families for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
The Village Harvest, our food ministry provides a market style food distribution on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Concert Series – Since 2013, we have presented at least one special concert during the year as part of our outreach into the community.
►Worship and Education
Members of the Altar Guild prepare the church for all worship services. They maintain the linens, arrange flowers, refill candles, polish the brass, and prepare the altar for worship each Sunday.
Acolytes light the altar candles, carry the crucifix and the Gospel book, and serve at the altar.
Lectors read the scriptures each Sunday.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers distribute the wine to the parishioners during communion.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors take communion to those who are homebound and cannot attend church services.
Greeters pass out bulletins in the front of the church and direct people to Communion.
The Choir participates enthusiastically in singing both hymns and responses and special pieces during the Offertory.
Christian Education – Since the pandemic it has been based on zoom with special education.
Ecumenical Bible Study meets 10am Wednesday in the Parish House and studies the weekly lectionary.