Johnny Davis
- In March the Vestry voted to do repairs to the Nursery building. New windows were ordered from Window World in Fredericksburg to be installed after the roof was repaired or replaced. Two members of the church agreed to cover the cost of a new metal roof rather than paint and repair the old one. Burrus Roofing of King George was hired to do the work at a cost of $6,450. Rob Dobson agreed to oversee the repairs inside and out so that windows can be installed. The roof is now complete and additional repairs will be made soon.
- Chris Fisher showed everyone the new AED purchased by the vestry and explained how it works. He will give an actual demonstration later.
- The Pitts Brothers were called about the leak on the inside of the rear left wall of the church. They will come and assess the problem.
- The termite company was called to check the buildings. Some Powder Post Beetle damage was found.
- A Clean Up Day was held in March. The following things were accomplished:
- First the chain link fence and white board fence were power washed by the Junior Warden before the work day.
- Both the chain link and the white board fences were painted.
- The whole Parish House basement was cleaned out removing trash and plastic bags from the basement.
- Topsoil was spread in holes around the church yard.
- The rotten stump on the fence line was dug up and removed.
- All items collected outside of the Bell Tower were removed and the items inside were rearranged.
- Gravel was added to the driveway to the Parish House.
- Later the tombstones in the graveyard and all the steps to the buildings were power-washed by the Junior Warden and the new wind-chime donated by Catherine was hung.
- Tools were bought from Sears and donated to the church by the Junior Warden to be kept in the Parish House. He immediately tested them by hanging a new bulletin board purchased for the Parish House and a picture donated to the Sacristy. Then new screws were used to secure hymn book holders in the sanctuary.
- After a bad storm in May, the Junior Warden cleaned the church yard removing sticks and limbs. Earlier three truck-loads of wood was removed from a fallen tree on the property line with the help of Ed Harper. Robert Bryan sawed the tree and allowed us to put it in his burn pile nearby.
- In November Jeremy Pitts was hired to removed leaves and cut the riverbank.
- It was also necessary for the Junior Warden to spray the driveway and borders four times to eliminate weeds and unwanted grass.
- It was also necessary for the Junior Warden or his designee to keep the heat and air conditioning adjusted each week and to pick up fallen limbs as needed.