March 15 Food John 4:5-42. Samaritan Woman at the well. Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to complete his work.
1. Video
2. Food Homily from John 6:25-35; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Rev. Becky Zartman
“When we remember food is life, we gain a better understanding of what it means to ask God to give us our daily bread. When we remember food is life, we see manna from heaven as God giving life to God’s people even in times of extremity. When we remember food is life, we see the feeding of the five thousand as a foretaste of the Kingdom of God. But most importantly, when we remember that food is life, we discover what it means when Jesus says, “I am the Bread of Life.” Jesus is the food that will feed us. Jesus isn’t entertainment or boredom or stress eating. Jesus is life.
“As Jesus said in his wilderness fast, “one does not live on bread alone.” We must feed our souls as well as our bodies. For what do you hunger?”
3. Br. Jim Woodrum, SSJE, SSJE
“In the Eucharist, we come together, each with our individual needs and with our unique, personal relationship to God. No two of us are exactly alike. The Eucharist transcends those individual differences… The founder of our community, Father Benson, taught that each Eucharist was like a brush stroke which added just a bit more to the likeness of Christ that was taking shape in us. Each time we receive him, we become more and more like him.”
4. Activities
March 15 – Worship in community today. Watch “Signs of Life: Food” video
March 16 – Read The Song of Mary (BCP 119). Sit silently. Invite God to speak through this reading
March 17 -Jesus says, “I am the bread of life.” For what do you
March 18 – Fast today. Pay attention to the ways in which you are hungry.
March 19 – Share your blessings. Buy a meal for a hungry person or make a donation to a food bank
March 20 – Eat a meal with someone you may not know or normally eat with
March 21 – Take time to linger over a meal. Savor the flavors and
the slower pace.