The online Christian Ed program for Lent 2020 (Sunday March 1,8,15,22,29) is called “Signs of Life – Why Church Matters”. The signs included are Light, Water, Food, Shelter and Community. They are one a week starting each Sunday in Lent.
We are surrounded by signs that point to truths that are fuller and deeper than the signs themselves. Paying attention to the signs makes life more intense. The sign points to something that isn’t here yet but that we can feel and experience.
These signs of life emerge from worship: invitations to live every day closer to the God who loves us. Worship is at the heart of living in Christian community – it engages our deepest human needs and has the power to transform our lives.
From Brother James Koester of The Society of Saint John the Evangelist, a monastic group in Boston. “Signs of Life takes up the central symbols of Christian worship, explores the layers of meaning they carry, and helps us enter more fully into their truth. The rich signs and symbols of Christianity carry deep meaning for all of us and speak to us day by day.”
We have readings from the Gospel, homilies, activities videos to spark your thoughts and conversations produced by The Society of Saint John the Evangelist in conjunction with VTS (Virginia Theological Seminary)