Page 6 - Annual Meeting, 2020
P. 6
Taking the gospel to our neighbors and the world.
The St Peter’s Village Harvest, the food distribution, continues to serve the community
and those in need of fresh produce and meat. I am so grateful for the sustained
commitment of the people of this Parish to ensure that this food ministry continues. We
pray for and with the people who come, and some are now volunteering alongside
parishioners to get the food distributed each month.
The Village Dinner is another outreach ministry of St Peter’s. In addition to giving
community members and parishioners a chance to socialize over a good dinner, the profits
from the dinner go to help local, national and international organizations who provide help
in a variety of ways to those in need. Many thanks to Eunice Key, the Kunstmanns, and the
many other people who help to make this dinner possible each month.
Weekly summer fun for the neighborhood kids. This year, instead of Bible School, we
tried having a series of study and activities that included our friends around the
neighborhood. Elizabeth Heimbach and Catherine held cooking classes for neighborhood
kids and Jim Heimbach taught everyone how to make omelets.
Thanksgiving and Christmas Families--The Episcopal Church Men took dinners to many
families at Thanksgiving, and with the help of the ECW, St Peter’s adopted a family for
Christmas and bought and delivered the requested presents. Both projects were done in
conjunction with The Caroline County Department of Social Services.
St Peter’s provided the pizza for the Port Royal Christmas party. The Town Council,
Caroline’s Promise, Caroline County Parks and Recreation, the Port Royal Fire Department
and the churches come together to provide this annual gathering for Port Royal residents.
Santa Claus made his appearance as usual.
Many more blessings
I’m grateful for your ongoing commitment to my continuing education, so that I can
serve God and St Peter’s more fully. The Latino Cultural Competency course, taught by
faculty from The Episcopal Church, resulted in a new Bible study at St Peter’s. In May at the
clergy retreat at Shrine Mont I was blessed to hear a series of talks by Thomas Long, one of
the preaching giants whose work we studied in seminary. In June of 2019 I completed the
year long Deep calls to Deep preaching program, which involved monthly meetings with
a preaching group as well as an opening and closing residency at VTS. In October I went to
Kilmarnock for the Virginia School of Celtic Consciousness, taught by John Philip Newell.
I learned a lot about Celtic spirituality and have used much of that information in sermons
and sermon preparation. Celtic spirituality ties in well with the theology we have been