Page 4 - Annual Meeting, 2019
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In August, we mourned the death of Marsha Dobson. Many from St Peter’s attended her
memorial service, held in the Covenant Funeral Services chapel in Fredericksburg. I
With Bishop Shannon’s permission, on the Sundays of September we observed Year B of
the Season of Creation, delving more deeply into our interconnectedness with one another,
with God and with all of Creation. The Season of Creation ended on St Francis’ Day with the
blessing of the pets at St Peter’s. Gospel on the River took place on the last Saturday of
September at the home of the Heimbachs. The stewardship campaign coincided with the
Season of Creation. We ended the stewardship campaign by taking home daffodil bulbs to
On the last Sunday of October, in addition to the 9AM Rite I Eucharist and the 11AM Rite II
service, a third Eucharist designed for children was held in the afternoon, followed by a
Halloween supper for those who attended the service.
On the first Sunday in November, we celebrated All Saints’ Day. The following Sunday we
welcomed Everett Huffman into the congregation through the sacrament of Holy Baptism
followed by a time of fellowship after the baptism.
The ECW ended the church year with a time of fellowship at a tea held at the home of
Cookie Davis.
On the fourth Sunday in Advent the traditional Christmas pageant took place. Christmas
Eve followed the next day, and the calendar year ended with a service of Lessons and
Carols on the 2 Sunday of Christmas.
The St Peter’s choir has grown, and with the additional voices, our Choir Director and
Organist, Brad Volland, has been able to bring some new musical dimensions into our
worship. Several instrumentalists have also shared their talents this year as well, enriching
our worship together.
Persevere in resisting evil, and whenever we sin, repent and return to the Lord. In
February, the ECW went to Belle Grove to learn more about the sin of slavery and about the
lives of people who were enslaved on plantations before the civil war.
The Vestry spent months working on a comprehensive safety plan for St Peter’s which is
now operational and has been made available to all members of the parish.
We proclaimed by word and example the Good News of God in Christ, and sought to
serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves, and we worked for
justice and peace among all people, respecting the dignity of every human being
through our on-going outreach through the Village Harvest Food Distribution, in its fourth