Page 3 - Annual Meeting, 2019
P. 3
Rector, Annual Report, 2018
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
This year’s report is shaped by how we, as the St Peter’s community, carried out our
baptismal vows throughout 2018.
In 2018, the people of St Peter’s worshiped as this part of the Body of Christ in our corner
of Caroline County. We continued in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the
breaking of bread, and in the prayers in various ways. Christian Education for children
and adults (see the Christian Education report) was available throughout the year.
Fellowship continued with a monthly social on the first Sunday of the month following
church, which in 2018 became a potluck lunch. Village Dinners were held on a monthly
basis. For the first time in a few years, the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper took place, with
Chef Dave Fannon whipping out pancakes for an appreciative audience. On the first
weekend in May, some members of St Peter’s joined Shiloh Baptist for Shiloh’s MS Walk,
and others went to Shrine Mont with Christ Church, Spotsylvania.
Worship for the year did not begin until Sunday, January 14 . The Epiphany Love Feast
and the first Sunday after Epiphany worship services had to be canceled due to snow, frigid
temperatures, and a power outage in Port Royal that lasted for several days. On Sunday
evening, February 11 , with temperatures in the 60’s, St Peter’s welcomed The Thirteen for
a concert and a reception at the home of the Heimbachs. Ash Wednesday and Valentine’s
Day coincided. The Holy Week services took place as usual, with the addition of a foot
washing and pizza supper I did over at the trailer park before the Maundy Thursday service
at St Peter’s. Easter Day fell on April 1 . I preached at the Community Sunrise Service as
well as at St Peter’s.
After Easter, St Peter’s, Shiloh and Memorial held a potluck lunch and invited Sheriff’s
Deputy Scott Moser to speak with us on the topic of church safety and to hear his
suggestions for how to keep our people and church buildings safe from harm.
Also in April, several members of St Peter’s went to Memorial Baptist Church for a gospel
concert by The Miller Family.
Between Ascension Day and Pentecost, we joined with Christians around the world and
participated in “Thy Kingdom Come,” a prayer initiative of the Archbishop of Canterbury,
Justin Welby.
During April, we formed a discernment committee for Salli Hartman, led by Thomas Haun,
from the Diocese of Virginia. We affirmed her call to the diaconate. She begins her training
for the Diaconate in January of 2019.