Page 23 - parishmeeting2018
P. 23

ECW, Annual Report, 2017
               Elizabeth Heimbach, President

               In 2017, the ECW organized a trip to the National Cathedral, a baby shower, and a dessert
               meeting.  The trip to National Cathedral was planned jointly with the ECW of St. Asaph’s, and
               on May 20, ten people from St. Peter’s joined six members of St. Asaph’s for a tour of the

               Cathedral and a celebration of Holy Eucharist in the Bethlehem chapel. On July 15, Nancy Long
               and Elizabeth Heimbach, with the help of Elizabeth Long, hosted a baby shower for Karen and
               Justin Long, and on October 21, the ECW met in the rectory for dessert and discussion. At this
               meeting, the group decided that instead of assigning pairs of people to prepare the Sunday
               Social Hour each month, we would try a potluck approach and ask each family in the
               congregation to bring a dish. We also decided that since our group is quite small, we would
               dispense with the offices of secretary and treasurer.

               In the coming year, the ECW plans to continue working with the women of other nearby
               churches. On May 24 we hope to host the ECW of St. George’s in Fredericksburg for lunch and a
               visit to the town. The Royal Caterers plan to continue preparing the monthly Village Dinners,
               and ECW members will continue to be responsible for caring for the altar each Sunday.

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