Page 22 - parishmeeting2018
P. 22

Music, Annual Report, 2017
               Brad Volland

                                                           The past year once again bore witness to many
                                                           blessings for St. Peter’s Episcopal Church’s music
                                                           ministry! As you know, our choir is small but
                                                           wholly committed and dedicated to serving the
                                                           church and community by praising God through
                                                           Christ the Son.

                                                           The choir and visiting musicians presented a wide

                                                           range of musical styles to the congregation and
                                                           community during the past year. Our choir
                                                           presented several new anthems, including new
                                                           contemporary anthems, classical anthems and
                                                           anthems based on familiar hymn tunes such as
                                                           “Gift of Love,” “Here I am, Lord” also known as “I
                                                           the Lord of Sea and Sky,” “Veni Emmanuel,” “Nun
               danket alle Gott,” and “Cranham.” We are currently working on new anthems for Holy Week
               and Easter.

               Our sincere appreciation and thanks go to: (1) Helmut Linne von Berg for his continued choir
               membership and for sharing his violin music with us; (2) Marilyn Newman for her gift of
               beautiful harp music; and to (3) Andy Cortez for his amazing trumpet playing and Jim Heimbach
               for sharing his piano playing. These wonderful people share their talents enthusiastically and
               with love.

               Our annual concert series continued to be very well received with our congregation and
               community for the sixth year! We look forward to the return of “The Thirteen” on February 11,
               2018 at 7:00 p.m. This amazingly talented and delightful choral group is not to be missed so
               mark your calendars!

               We are most thankful for Mark W. Thompson and his staff, who continue to offer their
               specialized talents in the maintenance of our pre-Civil War pipe organ.

               I recently enjoyed celebrating my eighth Christmas with you and hope to serve the church for
               many years to come.

               2018 promises to be another wonderful year in the musical life of our beloved St. Peter’s.

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