Frontpage January 28, 2013

Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4. Feb. 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Jan.,2013)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Jan. 29, 2013)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Gallery  A.  Congregational Meeting
B. Epiphany Jan 6, 2013  
C New Year’s Eve, 2012   

11. Latest Bulletin (Jan. 27, 2013).and Sermon (Jan. 27, 2013)

Bulletin 01-27-13

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





 We are trying to complete the picture taking in February Sundays, Feb. 11 and 18, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

3.What is this Epiphany thing all about ? Here is an explanation.  

3 Epiphany , January 27, 2013 – 9am, 11am 2013

         See last Sunday’s review

St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Feb. 3 -9:45am – "Emergence Christianity" in Adult Education

Feb. 3 -11:00am- Holy Eucharist Rite II


Next Sunday Readings   

Focus this week on Outreach – here (Souper Bowl, Box Tops for Education) and abroad (Tools for the Sudan, Stoles for Chaplains)

A Real Souper Bowl, Feb 3, 2013 

"Souper Bowl of Caring" is an annual fundraising drive organized in partnership with the NFL. It focuses attention on the issues of hunger and poverty in our community and throughout the world. It began over 20 years ago with a simple prayer : “Lord as we enjoy the Super Bowl, help us to be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.” During "Souper Bowl of Caring 2012", schools, faith-based organizations and service clubs throughout the United States raised over $9.9 million that was donated to local charities.

St. Peter’s will participate this year, one of over 14,000 groups. The money we collect be distributed to to Glory Outreach which serves Caroline County. (Food will go to Social Service) . Last year, our first effort, we collected $286 and 50 food items. Let’s see if we can top that!

On Sunday Feb 3, 2013, please make a separate donation at the offertory (with “Souperbowl” in the memo line) or bring in some food for this worthy cause. The youth will also be collecting dollars in our pail at the conclusion of the service. For every $1 donated, the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank, for example, is able to distribute 4 meals to those in need.

Box Tops for Education, fundraiser for local schools

This is a project of the children of the church.Take one of the colorful collection cans from back of church and fill them up with box tops from participating products. By the end of February, bring them back to the church and give them to Tierra.

Here is a list of participating products.  

Box Tops for Education has helped America’s schools earn over $475 million since 1996. You can earn cash for your child’s school by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products. Box Tops also offers easy ways to earn even more cash for your school online.

Here is a video introduction

Stoles for Chaplains in Afghanistan

We will be blessing this stole for one of 40+ chaplains in Afghanistan next Sunday, Feb. 3.

We will have a card you can sign and you can also send a personal message. This stole came from a friend of Catherine’s in West Virginia, the Rev. Amy Turner’s mother, Barbara Porterfield.

From the sermon on 1/27 – "The stole is part of the Stoles for Chaplains Project. This project began when Sergeant Stower, serving in Afghanistan, requested a stole made out of camouflage material for his chaplain. Soon, forty-one other chaplains in Afghanistan also wanted a stole. And so, women in several states have been busy at work making these forty-one stoles. Barbara Porterfield made this stole."

"When a chaplain receives this stole with our notes and our blessing, this stole will be a visible reminder of God’s reign on earth——I hope the chaplain who receives our stole will find the joy of the Lord in our gift and blessing. For all of those whose lives will be touched by our blessing of this stole, I hope that Ezra’s words will become a reality. ‘Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!’"

Larry Duffee – A growing mission in South Sudan

Larry has offered to write this week about his mission in the Sudan – an exclusive for Region One.

"I felt called by God to use the skills and experiences I had been blessed to receive from my education and work in the service of helping God’s Church. In particular, I was looking for someplace where my knowledge of finance and administration would be of greatest benefit. I prayed to God to send me where He needed me.

"When I contacted the Mission and Outreach office of the Diocese of Virginia, rather than being offered a posting in Haiti like I expected (this was in early 2010, not long after the devastating earthquake) instead it was suggested that I go to Sudan. I knew nothing about the challenges facing the Episcopal Church of Sudan (ECS). But when it was explained that the ECS had a desperate need for someone to come and help get their finances in order, to create systems of administration and to help re-establish trust with their international partners, it seemed like the perfect fit and the answer to my prayers. And what was even more amazing, when I arrived in Sudan in May, 2010, the people here told me that I was the answer to their prayers. So we were all of us praying for God to guide us and that is how it all came about…

Read More 

  • You can donate funds  to help new refugees coming into Sudan through this shopping cart. Print it out and send your card and check to the address listed.
  • OR  you can pay online saving printing and a stamp.

Either way we thank you for your gift of a new beginning for those coming to our newest world country.

Emergence Christianity in Adult Ed, features Brian McLaren on Feb. 3, 9:45am

Brian McLaren, M.A., is a nationally known author, speaker, activist, and networker among innovative Christian leaders. He has an M.A. in English literature from the University of Maryland, left teaching and founded a “transdenominational church” in the Baltimore-Washington area where he remained pastor until 2006. He was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from Carey Theological Seminary in Vancouver.

McLaren has been compared to Luther in formulating strong positions of belief. This is evident in  A New Kind of Christianity.   which we will discuss. This book contains 10 questions that need to be asked when considering a new kind of Christianity. In doing so he is bold – constructing a new narrative line of the Bible, a different method to read the Bible, discussing Jesus "outside the lines",  considering whether God is violent and asking key questions about the kingdom.   Come be prepared to be challenged by his thoughts! 

Celebrating Genevieve’s birthday, Jan 28 

Genevieve is 91 this year and is spry as ever. She made history in 1973 by becoming the first woman trustee to serve. In many churches women did not start to serve on vestries until that decade much less become trustees.

Genevieve’s husband Conway was the treasurer of St. Peter’s for 25 years as was active in the community as businessman (Davis Motor Co. in Port Royal) as director (Union Bank) and as Caroline County School Board member.

Together they gave a significant donation to the St. Peter’s Building Fund as well as Bible for the lecturn.  We salute Genevieve on her birthday and celebrate her presense among us.

Annual Council, Jan 24-26, 2013

Full Photo Gallery 

Annual Council is like a great medieval fair. There are vendors, contests, parades and events but like a fair a meeting place among those who assemble once a year. It is a cacophony of sights, sounds and talk I went as a future president of Region One.

There is the business of council the morning session each morning on Friday and Sat and the workshops in the morning and various breakfast before the Sat. session. Just enough.

There is the networking. Seminarians looking for job, others selling the various ministries of the Diocese (Shrine Mont, Outreach and Missions, Youth, Stewardship of Creation) but mostly others catching on the news of friends, clergy and lay from other churches. Many vendors selling clergy clothes, books, retirement homes, crafts. etc

I found the human story compulsive. The diversity was overwhelming. I met members of St. Francis Korean Episcopal Church, heard about a Latino church in Northern Virginia with 1500 in attendance in a Sunday (Santa Maria). Several of the hymns in the afternoon Eucharist were Spanish. The gospel was read in Korean, English, Spanish, etc. So many languages. There were babies, PYM teenagers, future clergy in Seminary, young clergy who have not been active for 5 years, many seasoned clergy. One man talked about being in Annual Council for 38 years

It is Big!! I am going to provide key points of a few topics. This is a not a comprehensive summary by any means.

Read More 




Frontpage Jan. 21, 2013

Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4. Jan. 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Jan.,2013)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Jan. 20, 2013)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Gallery
A. Epiphany Jan 6, 2013   B. New Year’s Dec 31, 2012   C. Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2012 

11. Latest Bulletin (Jan. 20, 2013).and Sermon (Jan. 20, 2013)

Bulletin 01-20-13

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays, Jan. 20 and 27, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

3.What is this Epiphany thing all about ? Here is an explanation.  

2nd/3rd Century Eucharist, Congregational Meeting, Jan 20, 2013

           See complete slideshow      See last Sunday’s review

St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Jan. 27 -9:00am- Holy Eucharist, Rite I

Jan. 27 -9:45am – "Emergence Christianity" in Adult Education

Jan. 27 -11:00am- Morning Prayer Rite II


Next Sunday Readings   

  Were You at the Congregational Meeting ?  You can still:

 1. View the reports  2.  Review 2012 through our photo gallery


Can you spare $10 to $15 to help someone in Africa make a new life for his/her family? We think you can. (In fact St. Peter’s through a generous donor has made a $2,000 contribution already!)

Larry Duffee was a member of St. George’s in Fredericksburg when he received a call for the missionary after hearing Diocesan mission coordinator, Buck Blanchard speak.  He started as a financial consultant for the Episcopal Church in Sudan (EPS) in 2010, managing inflows and outflows of money from many international partners. He had to learn to deal tactfully with many peoples from bishops to businessmwen. He is now the International Coordinator of the ECS. "In this I am responsible for managing all of the relations between the ECS and its many international partners, for presenting the ECS to the international community."  

Larry has witnessed the joys of the formation of a new nation but also the struggles of a new nation engaged in providing the basic necessities – feeding itself.

The country has faced a border conflict with the Republic of Sudan to the north. The eruption of new fighting in 2012 has led to an ongoing migration from the north of upwards of 100,000 people. These new residents are “city-dwellers”, many from cities, such as Khartoum. They have few tools to get started in basic agriculture and fishing which employ over 80% of the population.






Region One of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia is sponsoring a project by encouraging parishioners to support these new residents by “buying” them tools through a shopping cart. Your funds will be shipped to the Sudan and sent to the Bishop in Bentiu along the northern border. The diocese there will buy the tools from your funds and send evidence back to the US in the form of receipts and/or pictures that can be displayed. You will see directly how your funds are being used to build new lives.

Here  are some background details. The border conflicts which have helped to create a refugee population are examined hereThe wave of refugees is described here.

Donate Now!!

  • You can donate funds through this shopping cart. Print it out and send your card and check to the address listed.
  • OR  you can pay online saving printing and a stamp.

Either way we thank you for your gift of a new beginning for those coming to our newest world country

Diocesan Council and Region One, Jan 24-26

Annual Council is the governance meeting of the Diocese of Virginia that takes place every January. This year it will be held from Jan 24-26.  Catherine, Linda and Eunice are representing St. Peter’s.

Rather that talk of what may happen at Council, I would like to explain the role of Region One, one of 15 Diocesan regions. The Regions are the meeting place of the Diocese and Regions. We attempt to bring the Diocesan concerns to the local level. At the same time we look to enhance the ministries of the 19 churches within Region One.   We also know to have fun – through annual dinners and a boat trip for the clerygy

Here are the scope of our activities:

1.  Provide outreach money for the Diocese and beyond. Since 2008, we have provided over $15,000. We have our mission commission that handles requests for funding each year

2.  Provide support money in relationship to youth activities – sending kids to camp, supporting activities such as FredCamp

3.  Provide support for sabbaticals for priests

4.  Provide an emergency fund for churches.  They gave $1,000 to St. Peter’s and two other churches after the Earthquake

Thanks to our Dean Jeff Packard for his leadership over the last few years.  You are welcome to come to our next meeting on Feb. 6, 2013 at 7:00pm at Christ Episcopal to help us to do our work

Emergence Christianity in Adult Ed, features Diana Butler Bass on Jan 27, 9:45am

Diana Butler Bass is one of our foremost church historians but is also known for her ability to find what makes the best churches of all denominations tick. We will consider  both. 

In her 2012 book Christianity after Religion, She sees that we are in the midst of a "4th Great Awakening" – "faith is swept up in the waves of global change, as every aspect of human experience is undergoing profound rearrangement".  One of the key ideas is a shift from externalized religion to spiritual experience.  She structures the book into extended discussions on belonging,  behaving and behaving. It used to be that we came into the church because we first believed. Now people are searching for a sense of belonging which only later transform itself into believing.

Her writings on successful mainline churches over 5 years was turned into a book, Christianity for the Rest of Us  delving into the practices that made them dynamic. How many do we exhibit at St. Peter’s ?  What we can learn from this study ?

Come see the external changes around us and how other churches have handled them on Jan 27.

Evening ECW Plans for 2013 

The ECW met recently met on Jan 14, 2013. "We discussed continuing the community dinners. We would like to plan an Easter egg hunt for area children, perhaps the Saturday of Palm Sunday weekend. Barbara will check with Darnell Howard about the possibility of partnering with Parks and Recreation. 

We would also like to help with the Easter breakfast at the Longs. We will find out about the plans for this from the Ruritans. In addition to these Easter events, we hope to have two other community celebrations: one in August for back-to-school and the other in December to coincide with the village tree lighting.  

This spring, we would also like to do something for the residents of the Bowling Green Nursing Home. Catherine will check to see what would work best."

Read more here about their January 14th meeting . 



Frontpage Jan. 14, 2013


Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4. Jan. 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Jan.,2013)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Jan. 6, 2013)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Gallery
A. Epiphany Jan 6, 2013   B. New Year’s Dec 31, 2012   C. Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2012 

11. Latest Bulletin (Jan. 13, 2013).and Sermon (Jan. 13, 2013)

Bulletin 01-133

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays, Jan. 20 and 27, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

3.What is this Epiphany thing all about ? Here is an explanation.  

The Baptism of Jesus, Jan 13, 2013

            See the review of Sunday  

St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Jan. 20 -9:45am – "Emergence Christianity" in Adult Education

Jan. 20 -11:00pm- Holy Eucharist Rite II

Next Sunday Readings Readings   


Coming next Sunday!    1. View the reports  2.  2012 photo gallery

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity focuses on Micah

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is sponsored by the World Council of Churches, a fellowship of 349 churches. Here is the main page for this week.  The week is supported by the Anglicans, Methodists, Orthodox, Roman Catholics and others. Each year a theme is picked and explored by combined services of faiths and prayer. Last year’s service in Fredericksburg is described here.  This year’s service will be on Wed. Jan 23 at 7:30pm at St. Mary’s Catholic in Fredericksburg. 

To make Christian unity a visible part of the call for justice and peace, and inspired by the struggles of Dalits in India, this year’s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity explores the theme, “What does God require of us?” (Micah 6:6-8).

The traditional period in the northern hemisphere for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is 18-25 January. Those dates were proposed in 1908 by Paul Wattson to cover the days between the feasts of St Peter and St Paul, and therefore have a symbolic significance.

The Student Christian Movement of India was invited to prepare the resource for the week of prayer, along with the All India Catholic University Federation and the National Council of Churches in India. The focus is on the Dalit Community.  

The Dalits in the Indian context are the communities which are considered outcastes. They are the people worst affected by the caste-system, which is a rigid form of social stratification based on notions of ritual purity and pollution. Under the caste-system, the castes are considered to be "higher" or  "lower‘. The Dalit communities are considered to be the most polluted and polluting and thus placed outside the caste-system and were previously even called ‗untouchable‘. Because of casteism the Dalits are socially marginalized, politically under-represented, economically exploited and culturally subjugated. Almost 80% of India  

Micah‘s strong call to justice and peace is concentrated in chapters 6:1 – 7:7, part of which forms the theme of this year‘s Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU). He sets justice and peace within the history of the relationship between God and humanity but insists that this history necessitates and demands a strong ethical reference. Like other prophets who lived in the period of the Israel monarchy, Micah reminds the people that God has saved them from slavery in Egypt and called them through the covenant to live in a society built on dignity, equality and justice.

Here are the readings for the week

Emergence Christianity in Adult Ed, features Phyllis Tickle on Jan 20, 9:45am

Phyllis Tickle is probably most responsible for the term “Emergence Christianity” which was part of her 2008 book  "The Great Emergence"  and became the title in "Emergence Christianity (2012).  Tickle is a former religious editor of Publisher’s Weekly, a dean, a mother of 7 chldren and author of two dozen books.  She sees "Emergence Christianity" as a grand conversation.


Her famous theory is about 500 year cycles in history. She writes "Rt. Rev. Mark Dyer, an Anglican bishop known for his wit as well as his wisdom, famously observes from time to time that the only way to understand what is currently happening to us as 21st-century Christians in North America is first to understand that about every 500 years the church feels compelled to hold a giant rummage sale. And, he goes on to say, we are living in and through one of those 500-year sales. … When that mighty upheaval happens, history shows us, there are always at least three consistent results or corollary events. First, a new, more vital form of Christianity does indeed emerge. Second, the organized expression of Christianity that up until then had been the dominant one is reconstituted into a more pure and less ossified expression of its former self. The third result is of equal, if not greater, significance. Every time the incrustations of an overly established Christianity have been broken open, the faith has spread—and been spread—dramatically into new geographic and demographic areas."

The key question each 500 year period answers is "Who has the authority?"  In the middle ages, the Pope or in the case of the Reformation, scripture. Now is appears it is both in the scripture and the community with no part having ultimate authority. Knowledge is growing too fast to have an authority. She sees Christianity existing in a complex network with each part connected to each other. Each is only a single working piece of what is evolving and is sustainable so long as the interconnectivity of the whole remains intact.

We will explore both books and see her in video. Come join us and see the results of this rummage sale.  Here are several videos in the meantime 1.  Here spiritual journey  2. Sessions on Emergence Christianity 1, Emergence Christianity 2   

Imagine if you were living in a city and then found yourself in a new land that was rural. All you knew was gone. You have to step up and find ways to feed your family. A 100,000 refugees fleeting Sudan to the South know that feeling. Plus there were floods and a border conflict between the Sudans to deal with.

We would like to help with this plight and at the same time support our missionary there Larry Duffee. 

Region One of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia is starting an innovative project, “Tools for the Sudan “ to support these new residents. Our project is simple, but unique, to encourage you, the parishioners of the 19 Region One churches and others, to “buy” them tools through a shopping art.  More details to follow…

Some background is  necessary. Here is a link for the Episcopal Church in  South Sudan. Also we considered the country in "Building Futures", part of Adult Ed, May, 2012.






The border conflicts which have helped to create a refugee population are examined here.

The wave of refugees is described here.

Larry Duffee was a member of St. George’s in Fredericksburg when he received a call for the missionary after hearing Diocesan mission coordinator, Buck Blanchard speak.  He started as a financial consultant for the Episcopal Church in Sudan (EPS) in 2010, managing inflows and outflows of money from many international partners. He had to learn to deal tactfully with many peoples from bishops to businessmwen. He is now the International Coordinator of the ECS. "In this I am responsible for managing all of the relations between the ECS and its many international partners, for presenting the ECS to the international community." 

Read more here.   Larry has a blog which he calls "Duffman in Africa."


Frontpage Jan 7, 2013


Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4. Jan. 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Jan.,2013)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Jan. 6, 2013)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Gallery
A. Christmas Play, Dec. 23, 2012   B. Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2012  C. Christmas Creche display  

11. Latest Bulletin (Jan. 6, 2013).and Sermon (Jan. 6, 2013)

Bulletin 01-06-13

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays Jan 13 & 20, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

The Feast of the Epiphany, Jan 6., 2013

            See the full slide show – 40 pictures 

            See the review of Sunday  

St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Jan. 13 -9:45am – "Emergence Christianity" in Adult Education

Jan. 13 -11:00pm- Holy Eucharist Rite II
Next Sunday Readings Readings    



New Year’s Eve bash – photogallery

About 20 gathered on the last night of 2012 for fellowship, food and more food. Johnny cooked his venison as the main course but their openers of chicken, small hotdogs, cheese and with the meal many vegetables. Here is the gallery.

Emergence Christianity in Adult Ed, begins Jan 13, 9:45am

Can Christianity maintain a viable presence in an increasingly secular culture ? Can it make inroads with the youth ? How does it handle those who maintain they are “spiritual, but not religious” ? How does it handle those who see the Bible as espousing universal truth vs. those seeking universal truth ? How does it react to those without any faith ?

These are “struggles of faith” which is our them for Adult ed in 2012-2013. It certainly won’t be easy! 

The term “Emergence Christianity” is often used to describe both how this has happened and the direction it has taken and may take in the future. This is big stuff. Words such as “upheaval” and “tsunami” have been used to describe what has happened. Phyllis Tickle says the amount of changes we are experiencing occur once every 500 years. Diana Butler Bass calls it the “4th Great Awakening” fitting it into American religious history. Brian McLaren sees the need for a “New Kind of Christianity” focused around 10 questions where he proposes new answers.

Emergence Christianity places changes in Christianity within a cycle of history or simply in relationship to the past.

Mainline churches have not been sitting still. Some churches have been re-discovering ancient practices within the Christian tradition. Centering prayer, spiritual direction and walking the labyrinth have become part of our vocabulary. Some have been re-evaluating their hospitality and how relationships are built. Some have been adding new programs or forms of worship. What do we have to do to carry on Christ’s mission in the world as an effective and not reactive way? You may find this study as a source for discussion of new ideas which can be accepted, modified or discarded. It might actually confirm existing practices.

Writers have been struggling to describe Emergence Christianity, report it and to decide whether they want to be a part of it. Over 5 weeks we will look at three writers – Phyllis Tickle, Diana Butler Bass and Brian McLaren – for their insights into this phenomena. We will see both video excerpts from interviews as well as read excerpts of their writings.

Imagine if you were living in a city and then found yourself in a new land that was rural. All you knew was gone. You have to step up and find ways to feed your family. A 100,000 refugees fleeting Sudan to the South know that feeling. Plus there were floods and a border conflict between the Sudans to deal with.

We would like to help with this plight and at the same time support our missionary there Larry Duffee. 

Region One of the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia is starting an innovative project, “Tools for the Sudan “ to support these new residents. Our project is simple, but unique, to encourage you, the parishioners of the 19 Region One churches and others, to “buy” them tools through a shopping art.  More details to follow…

Some background is  necessary. Here is a link for the Episcopal Church in  South Sudan. Also we considered the country in "Building Futures", part of Adult Ed, May, 2012.






The border conflicts which have helped to create a refugee population are examined here.

The wave of refugees is described here.

Larry Duffee was a member of St. George’s in Fredericksburg when he received a call for the missionary after hearing Diocesan mission coordinator, Buck Blanchard speak.  He started as a financial consultant for the Episcopal Church in Sudan (EPS) in 2010, managing inflows and outflows of money from many international partners. He had to learn to deal tactfully with many peoples from bishops to businessmwen. He is now the International Coordinator of the ECS. "In this I am responsible for managing all of the relations between the ECS and its many international partners, for presenting the ECS to the international community." 

Read more here.   Larry has a blog which he calls "Duffman in Africa."

What should we do with Epiphany?

The English word "Epiphany" comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, which means "appearing" or "revealing." Epiphany focuses on God’s self-revelation in Christ.  

The painting to the right of the baptism of Christ was composed by Luis Garcia, seminarian in the Dominion Republic who visited Cookie and Johnny at the end of 2011.

The Epiphany celebration remembers the three miracles that manifest the divinity of Christ. The celebration originated in the Eastern Church in AD 361, beginning as a commemoration of the birth of Christ. Later, additional meanings were added – the visit of the three Magi, Christ’s baptism in the Jordan River with the voice from heaven that identifies Jesus as God’s son, and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. These three events are central to the definition of Epiphany, and its meaning is drawn from these occurrences. 

In either case, the emphasis is upon God making himself known to the world through Jesus, the divine Son. During Epiphany, the divine words at Jesus’ baptism—"You are my child, my Beloved"—are spoken to every child of God.

The theological essence of Epiphany is found in 2 Timothy 1:10: "And now he has made all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus, our Savior. He broke the power of death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the Good News." If you were reading this verse in Greek, you’d find the word epiphaneia where we have "appearing." God has made "all of this" plain to us through the epiphany of Christ.

1.  Epiphany is the season of the Church year from January 6 to the beginning of Lent (Feb 13, 2013) which we experience the unfolding of the identity of Jesus as the Son of God through scripture and song.

2. Epiphany is the season of wonder. Epiphany invites us to take the long view of her or his vocation and God’s ministry in the world. The season of Epiphany joins, like Christmas, mysticism and mission in revealing God’s vision for all creation and humankind.

3. Epiphany is about the unexpected: unexpected joys and synchronicities and unexpected challenges and tragedies. Epiphany is filled with unexpected revelations that change our minds and ways.

Read more…


More St. Peter’s News

span class=

Frontpage 12-31-2012


Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4. Jan. 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Jan.,2013)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Dec. 29, 2012)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Gallery
A. Christmas Play, Dec. 23, 2012   B. Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2012  C. Christmas Creche display  

11. Latest Bulletin (Dec. 30, 2012).and Sermon (Dec. 24, 2012)

Bulletin 12-30-2012

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays Jan 13 & 20, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

A Review of Last Sunday, Dec 30, 2012 – Lessons and Carols

            Read the full story 

St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Jan. 6 -11:00am Epiphany service

Jan. 6 -12:00pm, Coffee Hour (at the Long’s residence)
Next Sunday Readings Readings    



Epiphany Begins in the First Week in January!

Adoration of the Magi by Zietblom

Adoration of the Magi – Bartholomäus Zeitblom (c. 1450 – c. 1519)

The English word "Epiphany" comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, which means "appearing" or "revealing." Epiphany focuses on God’s self-revelation in Christ.  

Epiphany celebrates the twelfth day of Christmas, the coming of the Magi to give homage to God’s Beloved Child.

The Epiphany celebration remembers the three miracles that manifest the divinity of Christ. The celebration originated in the Eastern Church in AD 361, beginning as a commemoration of the birth of Christ. Later, additional meanings were added – the visit of the three Magi, Christ’s baptism in the Jordan River with the voice from heaven that identifies Jesus as God’s son, and his first miracle at the wedding in Cana. These three events are central to the definition of Epiphany, and its meaning is drawn from these occurrences. 

In either case, the emphasis is upon God making himself known to the world through Jesus, the divine Son. During Epiphany, the divine words at Jesus’ baptism—"You are my child, my Beloved"—are spoken to every child of God.

The theological essence of Epiphany is found in 2 Timothy 1:10: "And now he has made all of this plain to us by the appearing of Christ Jesus, our Savior. He broke the power of death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the Good News." If you were reading this verse in Greek, you’d find the word epiphaneia where we have "appearing." God has made "all of this" plain to us through the epiphany of Christ.

1.  Epiphany is the season of the Church year from January 6 to the beginning of Lent (Feb 13, 2013) which we experience the unfolding of the identity of Jesus as the Son of God through scripture and song.

2. Epiphany is the season of wonder. Epiphany invites us to take the long view of her or his vocation and God’s ministry in the world. The season of Epiphany joins, like Christmas, mysticism and mission in revealing God’s vision for all creation and humankind.

3. Epiphany is about the unexpected: unexpected joys and synchronicities and unexpected challenges and tragedies. Epiphany is filled with unexpected revelations that change our minds and ways.

Some examples In Epiphany, the magi take another road home; Peter discovers that God’s grace is wider than he ever imagined; and the disciples experience Jesus as transfigured, like Moses, on the mountaintop and then, to their chagrin, realize that beyond the transfiguration stands a cross on the horizon.

Let’s take the magi. The magi left the land they knew, following a light to a place of uncertainty, and discovered the savior of the world, and it changed, literally, the direction of their lives.

As Matthew puts it, "They returned home by another way." The old way of traveling would no longer work. They needed to follow a different path.

At a critical moment in their journey, they realized what the lyrics of that song say: "Today is where your book begins. The rest is still unwritten."  Changing direction

Eventually, all of us take routes that we had never expected to travel, whether these involve changes in employment, health, relational, or economic status. When life forces us from the familiar highway onto an uncharted path, we are challenged to experience holiness as we travel on another road. The path is seldom easy, but within the real limitations of life, we may discover unexpected possibilities for vocation, mission, and transformation.

4. But, a spirituality of Epiphany reminds us that God is a fellow adventurer on every road we travel. Awakened to divine companionship, every path can become a holy adventure with surprises and epiphanies around every corner

While Christian wisdom has affirmed that God is omnipresent, most of us have never fully explored what it means to assert that God is everywhere. At the very least, the doctrine of divine omnipresence means that God is present as our companion on every pathway—in certainty and uncertainty, and in celebration and grief. It means that as we face the call of new horizons, whether by desire or necessity, often as pilgrims without a map, there is a divine wisdom moving through our lives, giving us insight, providing synchronous encounters, and awakening us to unexpected energies.

It is about what happens to those who are searching, and who encounter Christ.

It is, whether we realize it or not, about a kind of conversion; about finding another way of walking the journey of life, a way that has been transformed by a star. By a light. By Jesus Christ himself.

5. Fundamentally, the story of the Epiphany is about discovery—following a star to the source of salvation. The readings are overflowing with references to the light: "Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem," Isaiah cries out. "Your light has come. The glory of the Lord shines upon you."

There is a sense of redemption and relief, of deliverance and hope. Indeed, once the magi arrive in Bethlehem, they cannot contain themselves. As the gospel puts it: "They were overjoyed at seeing the star." They had arrived at the source of all their yearning, and all the searching. They had found what they were looking for.

People claim in our lives of "having an epiphany." In this case, an epiphany has come to mean a sudden insight into the truth or reality of an event or situation. Here, the word "epiphany" means seeing more than meets the eye; discovering the sacred embedded in ordinary events; and seeing our context as if for the first time, bathed in God’s presence. The reality of divine wisdom invites us to awaken to holiness in the quotidian.

6. Epiphany is the season of light and transfiguration. On Epiphany, the Church is drenched in light. It begins with a star guiding the magi and ends with dazzling light illuminating Jesus and his followers. For those who live in the spirit of Epiphany, all things dazzle with divine light. Even darkness reveals divinity in the hidden movements of growing things, whether in the womb or in the good earth.

Other Epiphany Content:

Who were the Magi ?

The Adoration of the Magi in art

So just what is Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh ?

Star-Trek, a narrative sermon

Epiphany: Colors and Symbols

Other Epiphany Traditions

The Moravian Star

Chalking the Door


More St. Peter’s News


Frontpage 12-26-2012


Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4. Jan. 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Dec.,2012)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Dec. 29, 2012)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Gallery
A. Staten Island Retreat Dec 1-6, 2012

B. Choir Retreat, Dec. 8, 2012
C. Community Dinner#6, Dec. 14, 2012
D. Christmas Play, Dec. 23, 2012

11. Latest Bulletin (Dec. 30, 2012).and Sermon (Dec. 24, 2012)

Bulletin 12-30-2012

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays Jan 13 & 20, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

  St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Dec. 24 -5:00pm Christmas Eve service with festive music

Dec. 30 -11:00am, Lessons and Caroles
Lessons and Carols Readings   

Advent 1-4 

Did you miss any of Advent? You can find it here

Lessons and Carols, Dec. 30, 11am

A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is the Christmas Eve service held in King’s College Chapel, Cambridge England and was introduced in 1918. It was conceived by Eric Milner-White, the Dean of the College, whose experience as an army chaplain had led him to believe that more imaginative Christmas worship was needed by the Church of England. It is thus one of our newer services

The story of the fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus is told in nine short Bible readings from Genesis, the prophetic books and the Gospels, interspersed with the singing of Christmas carols, hymns and choir music. Here are the readings for this service. The bulletin is here.

Lessons and Carols is usually done at the beginning of Advent as an introduction to Advent or towards the end as a summary of all that has happened.

This St. Peter’s service is the perfect culmination of your Christmas week, a joyous celebration along with thoughtful, introspective moments. Plan now to attend


In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see– I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.


When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us." So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger.When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them


 Explore Christmas Eve– A study of the scriptures, art and the meaning of the Christmas Scriptures

Explore the Art of the Nativity from 1200-2002  How the Nativity has been viewed by artists for 800 years. Go to the presentation

A Christmas Review – 2012

1. Christmas Play – Dec. 23

We had a new play written by Catherine centered around the angels. Jackie took the lead as the Angel Gabriel. Rather than just being heard in the scripture, King Herod was an actual character played by Fred. Both Jackie and Fred appear in a 1998 picture from the early years of the Christmas play which was begun by Rev Karen Woodruff. We were fortunate Kelly and Ben played Mary and Joseph with their young baby girl born only a few months earlier.

Here is a gallery of the play  and the text.

2. Christmas Eve – Dec 24

The Christmas service was centered around music and story told through scripture. Brad and Helmut began it with violin and piano for three numbers and the choir added 7 carols, including Nancy’s solo on "O Holy Night". Scripture was highlighted through Catherine’s reading of the Christmas story.

A gallery of Christmas Eve is here.

3. Creche Declarations

New this year in terms of decorations was a collection of creche that adorned the windows. At least 8 creche were present

One was left by Karen Woodruff and has been in the Parish house. Others were contributed by Catherine, Nancy W and Eunice. The above was hand painted by Eunice. Here is a gallery of 8 of the creche.  Notice how the appearance is altered depending on the light conditions.  The pictures were shot both in the afternoon of Advent 4 and on Christmas Eve. St. Francis is credited with creating the first creche – a living one in 1223.

More St. Peter’s News

Frontpage, Dec. 24, 2012


Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. Prayer List Request

4. Dec. 2012 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Dec.,2012)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Dec. 23, 2012)

9. What’s happening Christmas Eve (Dec. 24 ,2012)

10. Transportation in Need List

11. Latest Photo Gallery
A. Staten Island Retreat Dec 1-6, 2012

B. Choir Retreat, Dec. 8, 2012
C. Community Dinner#6, Dec. 14, 2012

12. Latest Bulletin (Dec. 24, 2012). Insert 1-Music, Poinsettias, Insert 2- Lighting of the Wreath and Sermon (Dec. 16, 2012)

Bulletin 12-24-2012

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays Jan 13 & 20, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

  St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Dec. 24 -5:00pm Christmas Eve service with festive music

Dec. 30 -11:00am, Lessons and Caroles
Christmas Eve Readings and Servers   

 Advent 1-3

Did you miss any of Advent? You can find it here

 Advent 4

The Advent mystery is the beginning of the end of all in us that is not yet Christ. – Thomas Merton


Explore Advent, Part 4  – Over the Sundays in Advent there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s continue with Advent 4. 

 Feast of the Annunciation –  9 months before we celebrate the nativity there is the related Feast of the Annunciation on March 25 which is described here .

 Art of the Annunciation – The Annunication has been depicted in art for a thousand years. Here are 30+ images of that history .

 From the Presiding Bishop- Christmas Message



In that region there were shepherds living in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. Then an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid; for see– I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.


When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, "Let us go now to Bethlehem and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us." So they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the child lying in the manger.When they saw this, they made known what had been told them about this child; and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds told them


 Explore Christmas Eve– A study of the scriptures, art and the meaning of the Christmas Scriptures

Explore the Art of the Nativity from 1200-2002  How the Nativity has been viewed by artists for 800 years. Go to the presentation




Retrospective: Christmas Eve, 2011. Here is a link to photos from that service

Sermon from 2011

Bulletin from 2011




Frontpage, Dec. 17, 2012


Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. Prayer List Request

4. Dec. 2012 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Dec.,2012)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Dec. 16, 2012)

9. What’s happening this Sunday (Dec. 23 ,2012)

10. Transportation in Need List

11. Latest Photo Gallery
A. Staten Island Retreat Dec 1-6, 2012

B. Choir Retreat, Dec. 8, 2012
C. Community Dinner#6, Dec. 14, 2012

12. Latest Bulletin (Dec. 16, 2012) and Sermon (Dec. 13, 2012)

Bulletin 12-16-2012

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3. Christmas Food – Food for Caroline Social Services will be collected at church (Sunday, Dec. 23). They need non-perishable foods. Here’s a list.

4.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays Jan 13 & 20, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

  St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Dec. 23 -9:45am Christian Education for children and adults    

Dec. 23 -11:00am, Christmas Pageant
 Advent 4
Sunday Readings and Servers   


St. Peter’s 2012 Advent Projects

 Advent 1

Explore Advent, Part 1  – Over the next 4 Sundays there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s get started with Advent 1.  

The Season of Advent is alive with colors, candles, wreaths and song. David Bratcher has written a wonderful article on Advent traditions

Advent is the time when we change to a different year in the Lectionary. This year we move from Year B to C and from a concentration on the Gospel of Mark to Luke. Two articles – one which acts as an introduction to Luke and another one about Luke’s infancy narrative 

Advent is a time of  meditations.

There will be a number of these meditations added through the season.

1.  From Kentucky Cresent Hill Baptist  which has meditations from Advent 1 through Christmas. 

2.  From Creighton University, a Jesuit college  – Praying Advent

3.  From Wales, Advent Themes and Resources.  This has a "pop-up" lectionary at the bottom. 

4.  Selections from The Journey, A Season of Reflections

Advent is a time of music. Here is a link to National Cathedral’s Advent Lessons and Carols held on First Advent. 

 Advent 2

Explore Advent, Part 2  – This week we focus on John the Baptist through scripture, art and commentary. Let’s move to  Advent 2.

John the Baptist DaVinci



John the Baptist presentation







St. Nicholas



St Nicholas Day is December 6 and we will be remembering it this week. 

Here is a presentation that provides the background of this saint who has had a colorful and varied history over 1800 years.




 From the Presiding Bishop- Advent Message – "What are you waiting for?"

  From the Diocese of  Virginia –
Learning the Art of Waiting in Advent  
Rev. Canon Susan Goff

Liturgical Layers – Advent
Bishop Shannon Johnston

Christmas Flowers
Linda Hemming, Aquia Church

Advent Waiting in Hope
Jeff Borden

Diocese Advent Page

 Advent 3

Advent 3

Explore Advent, Part 3  – Over the Sundays in Advent there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s continue with Advent 3.  

"Christmas without Anglicans?" – Anglican contributions to Advent and Christmas carols.

Additional Meditations:

Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas

Credo – Gods Victorious light

 Advent 4

The Advent mystery is the beginning of the end of all in us that is not yet Christ. – Thomas Merton


Explore Advent, Part 4  – Over the Sundays in Advent there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s continue with Advent 4. 

 Feast of the Annunciation –  9 months before we celebrate the nativity there is the related Feast of the Annunciation on March 25 which is described here .

 Art of the Annunciation – The Annunication has been depicted in art for a thousand years. Here are 30+ images of that history .

 From the Presiding Bishop- Christmas Message


Handel’s Messiah continues on, Dec. 23! 


Please join us to listen to fine music and read some inspiring text which will broaden your Christmas experience. This week we conclude the Christmas portion of the Messiah with "Glory to God in the Highest." The emphasis is on Luke 2, the traditional Christmas Story. We will see its meaning and compare/contrast the other birth story in Matthew. 

Session 1 notes, "Comfort Ye" are online. as well as Section 2 – "Who May Abide the Day of His Coming" as well as Session 3 – "For Unto Us a Child is Born"     The Richmond Times-Dispatch has an op-ed piece  on the Messiah .



Frontpage, Dec. 10, 2012


Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. Prayer List Request

4. Dec. 2012 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Dec.,2012)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Dec. 16, 2012)

9. What’s happening this Sunday (Dec. 16 ,2012)

10. Transportation in Need List

11. Latest Photo Gallery -Choir Retreat Dec. 8, 2012

12. Latest Bulletin (Dec. 9, 2012) and Sermon (Dec. 9, 2012)

Bulletin 12-02-2012

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3. Christmas family – Take a name from the tree, purchase and wrap a present and place it under the tree by Sunday, Dec. 16

4. Christmas Food – Food for Caroline Social Services will be collected at church (Sunday, Dec. 9, 16, 23). They need non-perishable foods. Here’s a list.

5. Hard candy donations – We will be providing Christmas candy to over three hundred prisoners at Peumansend Creek Regional Jail. Your donations of hard candy, individually wrapped, and small plastic snack bags would be greatly appreciated. The Evening ECW and the youth will put the bags of candy together and deliver them to the jail. Deadline Dec. 17

6.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays Dec. 16, 23 and 30, after Church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

  St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Dec. 16 -9:45am Christian Education for children and adults    

Dec. 16 -11:00am, Holy Eucharist- 
Advent 3
Sunday Readings and Servers   


St. Peter’s 2012 Advent Projects

 Advent 1

Explore Advent, Part 1  – Over the next 4 Sundays there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s get started with Advent 1.  

The Season of Advent is alive with colors, candles, wreaths and song. David Bratcher has written a wonderful article on Advent traditions

Advent is the time when we change to a different year in the Lectionary. This year we move from Year B to C and from a concentration on the Gospel of Mark to Luke. Two articles – one which acts as an introduction to Luke and another one about Luke’s infancy narrative 

Advent is a time of  meditations.

There will be a number of these meditations added through the season.

1.  From Kentucky Cresent Hill Baptist  which has meditations from Advent 1 through Christmas. 

2.  From Creighton University, a Jesuit college  – Praying Advent

3.  From Wales, Advent Themes and Resources.  This has a "pop-up" lectionary at the bottom. 

4.  Selections from The Journey, A Season of Reflections

Advent is a time of music. Here is a link to National Cathedral’s Advent Lessons and Carols held on First Advent. 

 Advent 2

Explore Advent, Part 2  – This week we focus on John the Baptist through scripture, art and commentary. Let’s move to  Advent 2.

John the Baptist DaVinci



John the Baptist presentation






St. Nicholas



St Nicholas Day is December 6 and we will be remembering it this week. 

Here is a presentation that provides the background of this saint who has had a colorful and varied history over 1800 years.



 From the Presiding Bishop- Advent Message – "What are you waiting for?"

  From the Diocese of  Virginia –
Learning the Art of Waiting in Advent  
Rev. Canon Susan Goff

Liturgical Layers – Advent
Bishop Shannon Johnston

Christmas Flowers
Linda Hemming, Aquia Church

Advent Waiting in Hope
Jeff Borden

Diocese Advent Page

 Advent 3

Advent 3

Explore Advent, Part 3  – Over the Sundays in Advent there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s continue with Advent 3.  

"Christmas without Anglicans?" – Anglican contributions to Advent and Christmas carols.
Additional Meditations:

Holy Spirit Episcopal Church in Houston, Texas

Credo – Gods Victorious light

A Busy Week, just past!

 The week between Advent 1 and Advent 2 was extremely busy at St. Peter’s with events. Here is a convenient summary in one place:

  • Mission Trip to Staten Island,  Dec 1-6. Roger, Lamar, Travis and Catherine assisted with the clothing distribution for Hurricane Sandy. Roger and Catherine participated in an earlier mission trip in August – Story and Photo Gallery

  • Choir Retreat, Dec. 8. Brad led the choir in two hours of rehearsals on Christmas music followed by a delicious lunch of pizza, salad and Brad’s own cheese cake – Story and Photo Gallery.

  • Pamunkey Indians tour, Dec. 8. Cookie, Cleo, Hugh and his wife Alison journeyed to the reservation near West Point for an informative tour, sponsored by the Diocese – Story

    We thank all who participated.

Community Dinner, Tree Lighting, Friday, Dec. 14

 The 6th Community Dinner will be at the Firehouse on 5pm, December 14 sponsored by the Evening ECW and the ECM. This will be followed by the Port Royal Tree Lighting at 6pm and caroling. Come join us for this festive night! 

Here are some pictures from the first 5 dinners, serving 126 people: 

1. June 4, 2011  25 guests
2. Sept. 3, 2011 25 guests
3. Nov. 12, 2011 23 guests
4. March 10, 2012  28 guests
5. June 9, 2012  25 guests

Handel’s Messiah continues on, Dec. 16! 


Please join us to listen to fine music and read some inspiring text which will broaden your Christmas experience. This week the title is "For Unto to Us a Child is Born." Handel returns to Isaiah for chapters 7 and 9 to the time before the Babylonian exile and signs delivered about the Messiah, this time about a ruler named Hezekiah.  We then see the prophecy realized in Matthew with the birth of Jesus. 

Session 1 notes, "Comfort Ye" are online. as well as Section 2 – "Who May Abide the Day of His Coming."    The Richmond Times-Dispatch has an op-ed piece  on the Messiah .

Frontpage Dec. 3, 2012





Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. Prayer List Request

4. Dec. 2012 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Dec.,2012)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (Dec. 2, 2012)

9. What’s happening this Sunday (Dec. 9 ,2012)

10. Transportation in Need List

11. Latest Photo Gallery -ECM Workday Dec. 1, 2012

12. Latest Bulletin (Dec. 2, 2012) and Sermon (Dec. 2, 2012)

Bulletin 12-02-2012

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner


Continuing Projects 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 1. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

2. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

3. Christmas family – Take a name from the tree, purchase and wrap a present and place it under the tree by Sunday, Dec. 16

4. Christmas Food – Food for Caroline Social Services will be collected at church (Sunday, Dec. 9, 16, 23). They need non-perishable foods. Here’s a list.

5. Hard candy donations – We will be providing Christmas candy to over three hundred prisoners at Peumansend Creek Regional Jail. Your donations of hard candy, individually wrapped, and small plastic snack bags would be greatly appreciated. The Evening ECW and the youth will put the bags of candy together and deliver them to the jail. Deadline Dec. 17

6.  St. Peter’s Directory

Group of sample pictures





We will be taking pictures next for the Directory on Sundays Dec. 16 , 23, 30 after church for the 2013 Directory. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo.

  St. Peter's Episcopal at the Acolyte Festival

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Dec. 9 -9:45am Christian Education for children and adults    

Dec. 9 -11:00am, Holy Eucharist- 
Advent 2
Sunday Readings and Servers   


St. Peter’s 2012 Advent Projects

 Advent 1

Explore Advent, Part 1  – Over the next 4 Sundays there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s get started with Advent 1.  

The Season of Advent is alive with colors, candles, wreaths and song. David Bratcher has written a wonderful article on Advent traditions

Advent is the time when we change to a different year in the Lectionary. This year we move from Year B to C and from a concentration on the Gospel of Mark to Luke. Two articles – one which acts as an introduction to Luke and another one about Luke’s infancy narrative 

Advent is a time of  meditations.

There will be a number of these meditations added through the season.

1.  From Kentucky Cresent Hill Baptist  which has meditations from Advent 1 through Christmas. 

2.  From Creighton University, a Jesuit college  – Praying Advent

3.  From Wales, Advent Themes and Resources.  This has a "pop-up" lectionary at the bottom. 

4.  Selections from The Journey, A Season of Reflections

Advent is a time of music. Here is a link to National Cathedral’s Advent Lessons and Carols held on First Advent. 

 Advent 2

Explore Advent, Part 2  – This week we focus on John the Baptist through scripture, art and commentary. Let’s move to  Advent 2.

John the Baptist DaVinci



John the Baptist presentation






St. Nicholas



St Nicholas Day is December 6 and we will be remembering it this week. 

Here is a presentation that provides the background of this saint who has had a colorful and varied history over 1800 years.



 From the Presiding Bishop- Advent Message – "What are you waiting for?"

  From the Diocese of  Virginia –
Learning the Art of Waiting in Advent  
Rev. Canon Susan Goff

Liturgical Layers – Advent
Bishop Shannon Johnston

Christmas Flowers
Linda Hemming, Aquia Church

Advent Waiting in Hope
Jeff Borden

Return to Staten Island Dec. 2 – 6


Catherine and the extended Key family will once again trek to Staten Island to Catherine’s sister’s Moravian Church. This time it is for sorting clothes for distribution, not for school but for the many who have lost possessions after Hurricane Sandy. They are part of an effort organized by Churches in  Staten Island. Here is an  article about that effort.

Choir Retreat, Dec. 8, 10am


The choir will be rehearsing their Christmas music this Sat. at 10am. Come to the rehearsal and then join the choir for the Christmas Eve service at 5pm. No experience needed!  At 12:00 Noon they will adjourn to Fall Hall for a time of fellowship and luncheon of pizza, salad, beverages and Brad’s homemade French Vanilla Cheesecake with fresh fruit topping. Spouses and significant others are welcome.

Handel’s Messiah continues on, Dec. 9! 


Please join us to listen to fine music and read some inspiring text which will broaden your Christmas experience. This week the title is "Who May Abide the Day of His Coming ?" Handel turned to two Old Testament prophets for help in answering this question. Haggai and Malachi both lived in the period after the Babylonian exile when the community of faith was struggling to reestablish itself religiously and politically. In both these spheres they found themselves wrestling with a reality which did not live up to their expectations. In the midst of their struggles they turned toward the future and the hope that God’s messiah would come to show them the way.

Session 1 notes, "Comfort Ye" are online.   The Richmond Times-Dispatch has an op-ed piece this week on the Messiah . 

Next Week -Community Dinner, Tree Lighting,  Dec. 14, 6pm

 The 6th Community Dinner will be at the Firehouse on 5pm, December 14 sponsored by the Evening ECW and the ECM. This will be followed by the Port Royal Tree Lighting at 6pm and caroling. Come join us for this festive night! 

Here are some pictures from the first 5 dinners, serving 126 people: 

1. June 4, 2011  25 guests
2. Sept. 3, 2011 25 guests
3. Nov. 12, 2011 23 guests
4. March 10, 2012  28 guests
5. June 9, 2012  25 guests