1. Food Donations
Donations of non-perishable foods for the Caroline County Food Pantry are greatly appreciated. Let’s fill the basket on the front porch full of food every Sunday during Advent (Dec. 9, 16, 23)
Canned fruits and vegetables |
Spaghetti or other sorts of pasta |
Boxes of stuffing mix |
Spaghetti sauce |
Canned yams |
Rice |
Jars of gravy |
Peanut butter |
Cranberry sauce |
Baked beans |
Candy canes |
Baked beans |
Canned soups |
Brownie or cake mixes |
Tuna fish or other canned meat |
2. Helping a Christmas Family
Social Services has let us know that a family in Port Royal, with two children, a ten year old and an eighteen month old, needs help this Christmas. Take a tag from the Christmas Tree, purchase the gift, and return the gift to church, wrapped and with the tag attached, by Sun., December 16th.
3. Comfort to the Prisoners
Christmas candy for Peumansend Creek Regional Jail. Your donations of hard candy, individually wrapped, and small plastic snack bags would be greatly appreciated. The Evening ECW and the youth will put the bags of candy together and deliver them to the jail. Deadline Dec. 17, 2012
4. ECM Christmas Project
They are providing Christmas presents for a mother, five year old son, and twin daughters age one and a half. The father wasn’t identified, he is non-existent. Each member of the ECM is contributing $25