Frontpage, December 3, 2017

Top links

1. Newcomers – Welcome Page

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Rector

3. St. Peter’s Sunday News

4. Dec., 2017 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Dec., 2017) ,

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website 

9. This past Sunday

10. Latest Bulletin (Dec. 10, 2017 11:00am),  and Sermon (Dec. 3, 2017)

Dec. 10, 2017    
11. Recent Services: 

Nov. 12, Pentecost 23

Photos from Pentecost 23

Nov. 19, Pentecost 24

Photos from Pentecost 23

Nov. 26, Christ the King

Photos from Christ the King

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


to the reports from Jan 15 Annual Meeting


Daily "Day by Day"

3-Minute Retreats invite you to take a short prayer break right at your computer. Spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage.

Knowing that not everyone prays at the same pace, you have control over the pace of the retreat. After each screen, a Continue button will appear. Click it when you are ready to move on. If you are new to online prayer, the basic timing of the screens will guide you through the experience.

Follow the Star

Daily meditations in words and music.  

Sacred Space

Your daily prayer online, since 1999

"We invite you to make a ‘Sacred Space’ in your day, praying here and now, as you visit our website, with the help of scripture chosen every day and on-screen guidance."

Daily C. S. Lewis thoughts

Saints of the Week,  Dec.3-Dec. 10

[Francis Xavier, Missionary to the Far East, 1552]
John of Damascus, Priest, c. 760
Clement of Alexandria, Priest, c. 210
Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c. 342
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 397
[Richard Baxter, Pastor and Writer, 1691]
[Thomas Merton, Contemplative and Writer, 1968]

The Port Royal Christmas party was less attended in 2017 than in previous years. There were probably 75 people there. Snow was coming down as the party began and predictions for Saturday were anywhere from 1-3 inches. However, the outside tree which was planted many years ago showed the splendor of Christmas and the numbers that were in attendance had more time with Santa.

There were three groups collaborating for this event – Town of Port Royal, Parks and Rec, St. Peter’s Episcopal. St. Peter’s took care of the pizza and Town of Port Royal the sweets.

St. Peter’s also helped with the serving and support. Catherine helped to organize the group and provided fellowship. Johnny Davis and Jim Heimbach served pizza. Nancy and Elizabeth were in the kitchen. Andrea provided the desserts.

Story and Pictures.

Thanks for your support on #givingTuesday! We went over our expectations. Your donation helps to provide Village Harvest for 1,000 people in 4 counties in 2018.

December 3, 2017 – Advent 1

From left to right – Church with early clouds moving out, advent candles with Christmas cactus in the middle, altar settings by Susan Tilt, lighting of the Hope Candle, future Baby Jesus in the Christmas play, the Peace, our paper folder?, the Advent altar, a generous coffee hour after the service.

Sunday, Dec., 3, 2017  

The Week Ahead…

Dec. 6  – 10:00am – Ecumenical Bible Study 

Dec. 8  – 5:30pm – Port Royal Christmas – Firehouse

Dec. 10 – 10:00am – Children’s Christian Ed with Becky

Dec. 10 – 10:00am – "Dickens, A Christmas Carol and the Bible"

Dec. 10 – 11:00am – Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Advent 2

Dec. 10 – Poinsettia requests due,  ECM final Christmas collection

Sunday, Dec. 10,  Readings and Servers

Advent 1

Advent 1 links

Advent 2

Explore Advent, Part 2

Second Advent readings affirm the coming of a deliverer, the Messiah—Jesus! Malachi announces the approach of God’s messenger, who will refine like fire. Baruch calls for the exiles to celebrate their return home. Paul reminds us to wait for Jesus’ return in glory. In today’s gospel, John the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus’ public ministry, calling his listeners to repentance.

"Advent is a time to look for “desert places”: the place of solitude, the place of true silence in which we can become fully awake to our sin and God’s forgiving grace which alone can heal it."-Br. Robert L’Esperance

This week we focus on John the Baptist through scripture, art and commentary. Let’s move to  Advent 2.

St. Nicholas




St Nicholas Day is December 6. 


Here is a presentation that provides the background of this saint who has had a colorful and varied history over 1800 years. 


Additional Meditations:   

Suzanne Guthrie – "A Way in the Wilderness" (2014)

Daniel Berrigan – "Advent Credo" (2004)

Catherine Adler – "Advent Hands" 


From the Presiding Bishop- Advent Messages 2012-2014 – "What are you waiting for?" 

From the Episcopal and Lutheran churches – Advent devotions for each Sunday in Advent


From the Archibishop of Canterbury – An Advent course "Getting More Out of the Bible"


From the Diocese of  Virginia –

Learning the Art of Waiting in Advent  (2012)
Rt. Rev. Susan Goff

Be Awake, Alert, Aware, Alive, Part 1 (2013)
Be Awake, Alert, Aware, Alive, Part 2 (2013)
Rt. Rev. Susan Goff

Liturgical Layers – Advent
Bishop Shannon Johnston

Diocese of Va. Advent Meditations, Week 2

Christmas Flowers
Linda Hemming, Aquia Church

Advent Waiting in Hope
Jeff Borden

The surprising origins of the Twelve  Days of Christmas


 Make Ready the Feast highlights one scripture citation and one recipe during Advent


 National Geographic special on Christ’s Tomb

From the Magazine:

Story from the December, 2017 issue The Real Jesus: What Archaeology Reveals About His Life

From the Story:

"At each stop on my journey through Galilee, Jesus’ faint footprints seemed to grow a bit more distinct, a shade more discernible. But it’s not until I return to Jerusalem that they finally come into vivid focus. In the New Testament, the ancient city is the setting for many of his miracles and most dramatic moments: his triumphal entry, his cleansing of the Temple, his healing miracles at the Pools of Bethesda and Siloam—both of which have been uncovered by archaeologists—his clashes with the religious authorities, his last Passover meal, his agonized prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane, his trial and execution, his burial and Resurrection.

"…The traditional location of that tomb, in what is now the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, is considered the holiest site in Christianity. It’s also the place that sparked my quest for the real Jesus. In 2016 I made several trips to the church to document the historic restoration of the Edicule, the shrine that houses the reputed tomb of Jesus. Now, during Easter week, I return to see it in all its soot-scrubbed, reinforced glory."

Christmas Deadlines  

1. Poinsettias for Christmas Eve and Christmas  – If you like to donate a poinsettia for Christmas, the cost is $10. Please complete the order form and include a separate check to St. Peter’s with poinsettia in the memo line. Deadline Sunday, Dec. 10th. Endowment Fund gifts are due Dec. 17.

2. The Christmas pageant will be Dec. 17, 2017 as part of the 11am service. If you would to participate, please let Catherine know.


A St. Peter’s Advent and Christmas

Advent is a season of preparation for the coming of Jesus as one of us. Jesus brought God’s light into the world during his lifetime and we expect him to return to reign in glory at the end of time.  

1. Choir Retreat – Fri Dec 1,10:00am – The choir will be gathering to rehearse Christmas music  followed by lunch. Set aside some time to pray this morning for Brad Volland, our organist, and our dedicated choir.  

2. Dickens A Christmas Carol and Bible” – Sunday mornings 10am, Dec. 3, 10

Where to find it ? 

1. St. Peter’s website.

2 The book and audio are available free at Project Gutenberg on the web. It is available in plain text, formatted text, Kindle for book readers (with or with images). It is available in in audio in mp3 format and itunes audiobook 


3. Port Royal Christmas Lighting Fri. Dec. 8, 5:30pm-8pm  – at the town Fire Hall. Food , games, songs and the lighting of the Christmas tree.

4. Dec. 10 – Poinsettia form , ECM Christmas donations due

5. Dec. 17 – Endowment Fund gifts due

6. Christmas Play on Advent 3 – Sun. Dec. 17, 11am.  Each year it’s unique and at the same time a wonderful introduction to Christmas week.

7. Everett’s Christmas – Sun. Dec. 17, 5:30pm. Gather round the Everett’s table for a delicious pot luck dinner, over the top Christmas decorations, and Christmas caroling. All are welcome.

8. Christmas Eve – Sun., Dec. 24, 4:30pm – Holy Eucharist Rite II. Celebrating Christ coming among us.

9. Lessons and Carols – Sun. Dec. 31, 11am. This traditional Anglican service, developed in England, gives us the opportunity to hear the story of our salvation in Jesus Christ through scripture and song.  

10. New Year’s Eve Gala   Sun. Dec. 31, 6pm. Parish House


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