Port Royal Christmas Celebration, Dec. 9, 2016 (full size gallery)
75-100 children participated in the annual Port Royal Tree lighting. While attendance seemed slow at the beginning it picked up – especially when it was known that pizza was on the menu! The place was soon filled.
There were four groups collaborating for this event – Town of Port Royal, Parks and Rec, Caroline’s Promise, St. Peter’s Episcopal . St. Peter’s took care of the pizza and Town of Port Royal the sweets which included cupcakes, gingerbread men and home cooked cookies. Cookie and Catherine helped with the drinks.
Donnell from Parks and Rec kept the evening going and organized. After the meal, the kids played a variation of musical chairs. In the game, the children were grouped in two tables. Presents were passed back and forth to the sound of holiday music. When the music stopped, the child holding the gift keeps that one.
After a pizza dinner the children filed out to a darkened tree. Cookie and Elizabeth Heimbach passed out ornaments for decorating the tree which was soon lit. It was cold in the 40’s with blustering winds so only "Hark and the Herald Angels Sing" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas." Last year it was warm in 60’s.
Soon it was time to walk around to the side of the firehouse. Santa arrived not in the Port Royal Fire engine which led the procession but surprise – in a pickup truck. Children stood in line waiting for their change to be with Santa. Each child received a parent and a picture was taken of each child. One resourcful family brought printed lists.
A great opportunity for fellowship, song and good tidings. Thanks to all groups who helped and parents who brought their children.