March 22 Shelter John 9:1-41. – Man born blind Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment so that those who do not see may see, and those who do see may become blind.” The healed man experienced a double miracle: sight and insight. This scripture can be seen as a call to us to practice evangelism, providing light to others. It is there, through faith, that they will find life eternal.
1. Video
2. Shelter Homily from Isaiah 25: 1-10 Rev. Becky Zartman
“There are two distinct definitions of sanctuary. Sanctuary simply means a place for the holy.The second definition of sanctuary is a place that is safe. This definition only arose in the 1560s, and was a reflection of a legal practice. Our sanctuaries, our places for the holy, are surely places of shelter and safety amid the wandering that is our life. We find our way to church in times of great change: when there is a birth, when a new family starts, when we profess our vocation, when we lose the people we love. So too we find our way to church in times of no change at all; We need sanctuaries as places of safety and holiness because we need a place to return. Because we are human, we will wander away from God, we always do.
“As humans, we need shelter to survive. Once our physical needs are met, we long for a different type of shelter. Where do you feel most at home?
3. Br. David Vryhof, SSJE, SSJE
“But our discussion of shelter goes beyond physical spaces that offer safety and acceptance. We believe with the psalmist that “God is our refuge and our strength.” God also says, “Not only can I be a refuge and a home for you, but I want to dwell in you. I want you to be my home. I want to live within you and make my home in you.” So God promises to dwell in us, to abide in us, just as we can abide in God. In this way, all of us are temples of the Living God. All of us are homes for God because God chooses to dwell in us.
4. Activities
March 22 – Worship in community today. Watch “Signs of Life: Shelter” video.
March 23 – Read Psalm 31 (BCP 129). Sit silently. Invite God to speak through this reading
March 24 -Jesus says, “I am the Good Shepherd.” How has God kept you safe?
March 25 – Journal about a time when you wandered from God
March 26 – Be a safe place for others today. Lend a listening ear.
March 27 – Drive or walk through a neighborhood not your own. Pray for all who live there.
March 28 – What is something you can give yourself permission to step away from today and rest?