Village Harvest, September, 2018

The Village Harvest on Sept. 19, 2018 fed 112 people. Except for Aug this is a typical number from May onward. For 2018, it is about 19% less than last year at this time though 8% above a similar period for 2016. It is down from 140 last month. The average served for 2018 is 122 compared to 147 in 107 and 111 for 2016.

On the other hand food sources of 1,492 pounds were close to the the average for 2018 (1,500)). Relating it to the number of shoppers 13.3 pounds were available per person, one of the highest values of the year. The value per shopper was close to $80. Food provided is 16% higher than last year and 41% higher than 2016.

There was a wide variety of foods from the food bank – fresh cabbage, cucumbers, apples, onions, tangerines, eggplant, loaves of bread, saltines. There were three choices of meat along with cooked chicken bites. Hash browns with meat Finally, a small amount of cereal for children or large families.

The dollars spent on the ministry are higher than last year. For 2018 they are $1,176 vs. $930. June and August were eliminated in 2018 for the comparison since no dollars were available for a year ago in June and August, 2017.

Here are two charts of trend. The first maps the trends in clients and foods over the last year using a dual axis system. The labels are the clients:

You can note the decline in clients from a high of 150 in February and April to currently 112. There are a number of months that the foods available line was higher than clients on a comparative basis- Dec., 2017 and Feb., April, May, July and September of 2018.

The second shows the trend in foods provided per client:

The trend shows a gradual increase from 9.5 pounds to 13.3 pounds per client over the period.