Trends have shifted downward in the number of people served in the last two months – 112 in September and 92 in Oct. This was the second lowest number served for the year. The average numbers for the year show a similar pattern. The average for 2018 is 118 compared to 149 for last year for a 21% decrease. One reason is that we no longer call people before the harvest in 2018 as opposed to 2017.
Foods provided show a different trend. The average pounds is 1,416 compared to 1,334 last year, a 6% increase. This month was the second lowest at 747 pounds. Part of the reason was some meat products left over from last month. We provide a variety of vegetables – broccoli, apples, collards, carrots, onions and lettuce from the food bank.
Our dollars spent are higher, on average $216 vs. 134 for last year. The value per shopper averages $74 this year.