Photo gallery. Thanks to Andrea Pogue for the wonderful pictures.
We supplied meat, cumcumbers, oranges, lemons, carrots, tuna, peanut butter, crackers, chicken patties, and assorted beef. Poundage was down since they did have some of the heavier bulk items – potatoes, onion, cabbages. We served 167 people, a new monthly record, compared to 163 last month.
The chart below looks at 3 Augusts, 2015,2016, 2017. People served rose from 105 to 167 (59%) in 2017 from 2016 but foods declined by 15% from 871 pounds to 739. Last month we had 1,536 pounds but this month only 736 pounds. We did provide school supplies which filled the back pew last Sunday.
For the year our average people served is up to 145 people compared to 107 a year ago in 2016 and food from 1,016 to 1,243 pounds. Average numbers of people served have grown this year by 35% and food by 22%. The increasing numbers of people are outstripping the growth of food.
We also provideed an assortment of school supplies.
Looking at it another way, we are serving as many people in a month on one day in Wednesday in food as we serve for four Sundays in our regularly scheduled services. The Village Harvest is another dimension of our ministry.