A new record…
Today is the one year anniversary of this ministry. We started in November, 19, 2014 with the idea to "make fresh food more available to those in our area in need of food". In recognition of the anniversary and the nearness of Thanksgiving, we stocked up on food:
- 882 pounds of produce, including watermelons, pineapples, butternut squash, peppers, tomatoes, apples, and sweet potatoes
- 188 pounds of chicken (we are providing a chicken for each family)
- 87 pounds of "mixed groceries" (Peanut butter, canned beans, etc)
That was a wise move – we served 118 people, a record and almost double the 60 people that came a year ago. Here is the record of people served in the last 6 months:
Over the 12 month period we have served 977 people and provided 6,177 pounds of produce to the Port Royal community. Our effort provides a positive identity for the Church, breaks down barriers and creates new relationships.
Thanks to the ECW who have led this ministry and particularly Johnny Davis who has worked with the Northen Neck Food Bank and has been our main buyer. And to all the helpers, some who come every month, the celebration is yours!