External sign is back, June 17, 2018 (full size gallery)
Photogallery of the sign from the late 1930’s until June 17, 2018. Sign will be dedicated on July 1, 2018 with artist, Rence Rupp in attendance
After almost a year, our external sign has been restored by Rence Rupp from Fredericksburg. The sign was placed at St. Peter’s in 1936 as part of the 100th year anniversary celebration. It began a slow deterioration about 10 years ago. The original idea was to place the original sign under protection in our parish house and then craft a new sign. Then the idea emerged to trace the old sign in 2017. Bishop Shannon helped in this process. The church then shifted to restoring the old sign in 2017 which is now complete with the sign back in place, June 17, 2018.