Third Sunday After Easter, May 1, 2022(full size gallery)
On Sunday, May 1, immediately after 11AM worship, St Peter’s was a time of feasting and celebration and thanksgiving for four good friends who will be moving away from the Port Royal area.
Clarence and Betty will be moving to Tucson, Arizona, to be closer to their children. We give thanks for all of their generous gifts to St Peter’s through the years. Betty helped to start the Village Dinners. She and Clarence did the shopping and cooking for the dinner every month for years. They both have been devoted members of the Wednesday morning Bible study. Clarence served as the St Peter’s treasurer for thirteen years and brought the church through a time of financial crisis and into a place of financial stability.
Barbara and Boyd Wisdom will be moving to Fredericksburg, so we hope to continue to see them at St Peter’s. But meanwhile, we give thanks for their gifts to our life together as a congregation. If you ever received an anonymous gift from someone at church, Barbara Wisdom was responsible! She has also served as a cook for the Village Dinners. Boyd has served several terms on the Vestry and is our current representative for C. E. R. V., the Caroline County group of churches that works with the Caroline County Dept of Social Services to provide help for those in need in the community.
The May 1 reception is also a wonderful opportunity to welcome The Rev. Tom Hughes and his wife Alice, who have decided to join with us in worship and ministry, for which we give thanks.
The Rev. Tom Hughes and his wife Alice came to St Peter’s during Catherine’s absence to lead worship for Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Day. They have decided to join us in ministry here at St Peter’s. Although he is retired, Tom desires to continue to serve God in worship and will be serving with Catherine on Sundays in various capacities.
Tom was born in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Before entering the ministry, Tom did radio and TV work and served in the Navy. He attended Sewanee for seminary and was ordained in 1975. He has served churches in Tennessee, Maryland, Georgia, and Virginia.
Both widowed, Tom and Alice have enjoyed a marvelous marriage for three years, and between them have six children, eleven grandchildren, and one great grandson. Tom enjoys old cars, old clocks and trains.