New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, 2018 (full size gallery)
This event, one unique to St. Peter’s, originated around 2003 when there was no priest after Karen Woodruff left. It was a way for keeping the congregation together and for enjoying each other’s company in fellowship. It’s a full dinner which doesn’t get in the way of later activities in the evening as it started at 6pm and doesn’t go into the wee hours of the night.
Thanks to Andrea Pogue for the pictures.
Thoughts from author Alexander Shaia on the New Year:
“The Eighth Day of Christmas is “New Year” because in Christian Numerology – the Sunday of Resurrection was the 8th Day of the old week and the first day of the new week. The Eighth Day stands for the Day of Christ Risen – which is both Omega (last) and Alpha (first).
“Thus, on the 8th day of the Celtic Winter Solstice Festival*- we celebrate that the radiance reborn at Solstice is now maturing and has grown strong enough to be the light of a new year.
“Recall that when the Christian year was established – 25th of December was the Winter Solstice and thus also, The First Day of Christmas.
“May your radiance burn bright – throughout the coming year.
“May your radiance burn – regardless of outer circumstances.
“May your radiance ignite all – whose path crosses yours this year.”