Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017, Season of Creation 2 (full size gallery)
A clear day with cooler temperatures and 39 in the pews. We had our First Godly Play for Adults on the creation story. There was a chance to think about each day and reflect. Which could we identify with ? What’s the meaning of rest on the 7th day? The youth played quidditch. We need a few more children to really make it work.
This Sunday was all about creation and particularly light from the readings – "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works." The Prelude from Catherine, Roger and Brad was "Shining" taken from the Lutheran hymnal.
All of the music was wonderful this week. The service started out with hymn 9, "Not here for high and holy things" and ended with "I the Lord the Sea and Sky." The communion hymn was a favorite – "In Remembrance of Me.
Our fundraiser for Hurricane Harvey has done well. An anonymous donor pledged to match congregational gifts up to $1,000. We had $700 as of last week.
Catherine added the words before communion like last week in a shorter form. She did all the parts.
Season of Creation Week 2.The Lectionary readings are here
The reading from Job continues to speak of God as the transcendent and powerful Creator. And yet, the psalmist knows that this transcendent God searches and knows us, and is always and intimately with us, in every moment of our lives. After all, God knit us together in our mothers’ wombs. And yet, as Paul points out to the Romans, human beings go astray, by claiming to be wiser than God and by worshiping their own idols. Jesus reminds us in the gospel reading that as his followers we are to be salt and light to the world, so that others may see our good works and give glory to God.
The sermon concentrated on light. It talked about 3 types of light
1. "the created light of God that makes life on this earth possible for our physical bodies, and contributes to our emotional well-being,
2. "Jesus, God’s Son and our Lord, who is light and gives to us, his followers, the light of life.
3. "We are the third piece of this trinity of light."
"Jesus tells us, his followers, that now we are the light of the world. Jesus expects us, the light of the world, to be agents of health, and healing. Jesus expects us to contribute to the spiritual and emotional well being of this world by respecting the dignity of one another and loving our neighbors as ourselves, to be agents of love in this world by being light.
"Jesus also expects us, the light of the world, to be the ones who, by showing God’s light, expose evil and work for justice and peace."
"And until God’s kingdom does come on earth, Jesus has given us a job to do. Jesus tells us, “You get to be the light that shines in the darkness.” You get to the be the lights that mark the pathway of love through the chaotic rubble that hate leaves in its wake. You get to be the light in the world that gives glory to God.
"So when you leave here today, give thanks to God for sunlight.
"Give thanks for Jesus, the light of the world.
"Give thanks for the trust that God puts in us by expecting us to be God’s light in the world.
"And then let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."
You are blessed, now go and be a blessing!
In Jesus’ usage, the light is not simply to allow others to see whatever they wish but it is for others to witness the acts of justice that Jesus’ followers perform. Beyond that, it allows the audience to recognize the cause of these actions, the God of heaven.
Scripture scholar John Meier reminds us that there are two facets of the light image: it is meant for all, and it can be smothered only by the disciples’ own failure. In a one-room, windowless house, the lamp would stand in a central place where its rays could extend as far as possible. To extinguish the flame without sparks, the homeowner would place another vessel over the lamp. That thought can prompt self-examination: how do we undercut our own mission? How do we dim our light by lack of confidence, preoccupation with lesser things or a failure to believe?