The ECW (“Episcopal Church Women”) hosts the monthly Village Dinners for the Port Royal community, an outreach project to feed the community and take the profits earned and distribute them to a variety of charities.
This year was a challenge. 3 months were cancelled at the beginning of Covid as people could no longer congregate in our Parish house to eat.
During that time the ECW developed a procedure to reopen. They would prepare the food with masks, socially distanced and would deliver the food outside to cars driving up. People who ordered the dinners were also masked. That way people were fed in a safe manner.
Thank you, ECW and all who supported the Village Dinners in 2020
At the ECW (Episcopal Church Women) Tea in November, the ECW voted to donate $2000 earned through the Village Dinners to the following funds.
Local Funds
The Discretionary Fund–Catherine helps local residents pay utility bills, rent, etc.
Village Harvest—the St Peter’s Food Distribution
Healthy Harvest Food Bank—The organization where we get food for the Village Harvest
The Community Foundation—The Community Relief Fund, currently providing grants to groups that have been adversely affected economically by COVID-19.
St Andrew’s School in Richmond, VA providing quality education for children in low income families
Tunnels to Towers Foundation—Builds mortgage free smart homes for catastrophically injured veterans
Heifer International—Ending hunger and poverty around the world, by providing livestock and training to families
Episcopal Relief and Development—working with partners around the world to alleviate hunger, create economic opportunities, respond to disasters, promote health, and strengthen communities.
Five Talents—Transforming lives around the world through Christian economic development
The ministry of the Rev. Luis Garcia, who is a priest in the Dominican Republic—Luis is a long time friend of Cookie and Johnny Davis and of St Peter’s Episcopal Church.