The annual Christmas play was today during 4th Advent. It was also a collection day for gifts for local families, the ECM gifts for a local family, and tea bags for South Africa. 56 were attendance on a day with unsettled weather. A photogallery is here.
The cast was as follows – Alex as narrator, Carolyn as Mary, David as the head Shepherd, Chester as a sheep, Arthur as Shepherd, Hugh as Joseph, Ben as John the Baptist, Zeke and Tucker as Shepherds, Kimberly as Gabriel, Cheyenne Tierra and Kelsey as angels, Roger, Mike and Helmut as kings, and the starring role as Jesus played by Hamilton. The basis for the play were these scripture readings.
We also thank Marilyn for her harp playing. Nancy directed the play with Becky who helped immensely with the costumes. The children practiced it during Wednesday’s children choir.
Angels and Shepherds
Hugh as Joseph
Kings bless the Baby Jesus!
Duke family all were in the play
You can find the bulletin here and the readings. There was no sermon.