Top 12 Events of 2014

Of the 70+ slides in the end of year review, here are the 12 that stand out in 2014. Your list may vary.  There was an effort to make it a "top 10" but cutting two of the following was really not an option.

Why these events and happenings ? Some are new programs such as the Outreach programs of Village Harvest and Port Royal Tutoring. Education is important so Frog and Toad and Vacation Bible school made the cut emphasizing educating along the life specturm.  Life changing events – a wedding and funeral drew many people to the Church.  Some are directly related to worship (Moravaian Love Feast) as well as Bishop Goff’s visit, bringing 3 people into the church.

Music is important in our life so we did a second annual concert (Lyra) and  the Mustard Seed grant provided $7,000  for the bellows and we matched it.  The fellowship inclusion and the only multiple month event, Village Dinners  involve the best of fellowship and evangelism.  Finally, Sallie O’Brien of the Episcopal Church Building Fund caused us to think outward of how are facilities can be used. 

The Top 12 in alphabetical order (with links to the slide show):

1. Bishop Goff Visit
2. Frog and Toad Lenten study
3. Funeral of Genevieve Davis
4. Lyra Concert
5. Moravian Love Feast 
6. Mustard Seed grant for the bellows  
7. Port Royal Tutoring program
8. Sallie O’Brien of the Episcopal Church Building Fund 
9. Vacation Bible School
10. Village Dinners
11. Village Harvest
12. Wedding of Justin and Karen

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