If you can’t serve on the day listed, switch with someone and let Catherine know (stpetersrev@gmail.com)
Sunday Jan 6, The Epiphany, Rite II, 11AM
Lector: Helmut Linne von Berg
Eucharistic Minister: Mike Newman
Acolyte: Michael Fox
Greeters/Ushers: Rob Dobson, Barbara Wisdom
Bread & Wine: Clarence and Betty Kunstmann
Sunday Jan 13, First Sunday after the Epiphany, Rite II, 11AM
Lector: Alex Long IV
Eucharistic Minister: Marilyn Newman
Acolyte:` Eunice Key
Greeters/Ushers: Andrea and Ken Pogue
Bread & Wine: Johnny Davis and Barbara Wisdom
Eucharistic Visitor: Marilyn Newman
Sunday Jan 20, Second Sunday after the Epiphany, Rite II, 11AM
Lector: Alex Long V
Eucharistic Minister: Laura Carey
Acolyte:` Elizabeth Heimbach
Greeters/Ushers: Cookie and Johnny Davis
Bread & Wine: Ben Hicks and Dave Fannon
Sunday Jan 27 Third Sunday after the Epiphany
No 9AM Eucharist—Catherine will be away.
Morning Prayer, Rite II, 11am
Officiant: Elizabeth Heimbach
Lector: Nancy Long
Greeters/Ushers: Andrea and Ken Pogue