Donate to the Season of Giving, 2018 – online

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Part of holy living is to share our resources with others since God has been generous with us. The Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons give us the opportunity to do just that. During the next few weeks, you can choose to support people close to home and/or those around the world by donating to the 5 partners we have chosen for this time of year. Paypal is used as the secured host.

Some of these groups have a local focus. The Episcopal Church Men (ECM) supports 3 families each during Thanksgiving and Christmas among other projects. Different families are chosen each year. The Village Harvest is our supermarket-style food distribution on the 3rd Wed of each month where we serve 150+ people in several counties.

Some are national. The United Thank Offering (UTO) provides grants mainly to dioceses in the United States. They helped us in the past with renovating our kitchen.

Some are mainly internationally based like the Heifer project and Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD). They support improving farming economies, health conditions and the lives of woman. Additionally ERD has a hurricane relief fund that we are targeting which covers both national and international hurricane recovery.

More details can be found on our Season of Giving page.

1. Episcopal Church Men (ECM)

2. United Thank Offering (UTO)

3. Heifer Project

4. Village Harvest

5. Episcopal Relief & Development (ERD)