Christian Ed for Adults – Season of Creation for Adults, 10am Parish House
During this four week series starting Sept 9, we’ll consider and discuss scriptures that illustrate the theme of the week, spend some time in prayer based on the theme, and leave with some ideas to consider during the week that follows.
Theme 1—September 9 Finding God in Creation
“God is present in and through creation. We can better understand the character of God by seeing how God interacts with all of creation. The more we know of God, the more we grow in our love for and connection to God and what God has created.”
Theme 2—September 16 Connected to Creation
“Humanity is part of all creation. We are meant to live in an interconnected, interdependent relationship with God and the whole of creation, acting as stewards of creation. And as we care for the earth, the earth cares for us.”
Theme 3—September 23, Creation Care as Justice
“Caring for creation is also an act of social justice. Because humanity is part of creation, and because we are designed for interdependence with the whole of creation, caring for creation means caring for humanity. Caring for humanity, in turn, demands protecting and restoring creation.”
Theme 4—September 30, 2018 The New Earth
“The earth and everything in it is included in God’s plan of redemption. Creation does not pass away, but is restored and renewed as part of the new heaven and the new earth of God’s kingdom.”