We have a number of reading resources for Lent.
1. Praying the Daily office – Forward Movement
The above resource is updated daily so you can come back to this link
(They also have a separate reading “Day By Day” which is more of a reflection of one or more of the readings and included in their booklet of the same name.)
This is an ancient practice that uses daily prayers to mark the times of the day. For Anglicans, this generally comes in the form of the two main offices of Daily Morning Prayer and Daily Evening Prayer. They may be led by lay people and are said communally or individually. Other offices as set forth in the Book of Common Prayer (BCP) include Noonday Prayer and Compline (an office said before going to sleep).
As monastic communities developed, they formed their entire lives upon the rhythm of daily prayer. They consisted of prayers, a psalm, appointed Bible readings, canticles, and the Lord’s Prayer. Eventually seven offices developed: Matins, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. St. Benedict’s Rule (ca. 540) establishes common pattern: Nocturns and Lauds (middle of night), Prime (6:00), Terce (9:00), Sext (12:00), Nones (3:00), Vespers (sunset) and Compline (before bed).
Each office included Psalms, Scripture Reading, Verses and Responses, and Set Prayers. Entire Psalter read each week. Pious Christians sometimes attended, but the Daily Office was associated mainly with monks, later required of all clergy (from 802). Sunday Vespers was celebrated in most parish churches.
Over time, the offices became increasingly complicated. This increased complexity, combined with the abandonment of the vernacular tongue in public prayer, made it exceedingly difficult for ordinary men and women to participate in the daily prayer of the Church.
One of the beneficial effects of the English Reformation was that Thomas Cranmer, the author of the first Book of Common Prayer made a deliberate effort to simplify the Daily Offices so that both clergy and laity could participate in it. The number of offices was reduced from seven to two. Morning Prayer was based upon the Medieval office of Matins together with elements from Prime. Evening Prayer was, in its essence, a combination of Vespers and Compline. The Office as a whole was revised around the importance of regular recitation of the Psalms and reading through the whole Bible. This gives the Anglican Office its distinctive character.
2. Meditations. Other Daily readings
A. Episcopal Relief & Development – Lenten Meditations. The focus is on “Who is My Neighbor”
According to The Book of Common Prayer, Lent provides us with the opportunity for self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting and self-denial; and to read and meditate on God’s holy Word (BCP, p 265). This Lenten Season, Episcopal Relief & Development invites you to join us as we meditate on the commandment to love our neighbor and consider the meaning of this fundamental instruction in our daily lives.
B. Living Compass – Living Well Through Lent.
This year’s theme is “Practicing Compassion With All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind”
C. United Thank Offering – 40 Days of Gratitude (2022). The UTO (United Thank Offering) presents a theme rather than a separate calendar. “Each week, we will focus on practicing gratitude for a specific topic based on scripture…” How does God show up in your world?
3. Creation Care during Lent and Beyond. By Kent Shifferd.
4. Psalms during Lent (2019)
John Calvin during the Reformation called the Psalms “an anatomy of all parts of the soul.” It’s an apt description. The Psalms contain the whole range of human emotion—from grief to joy, from hatred to compassion, from doubt to praise. Meditating on the Psalms is a fitting way to move through Lent, a season when we ponder our humanity, grieve our sinfulness, and give thanks for Christ’s gift.
A sample from Day 1 – “As we enter this Lenten season, we can say, “I’m sorry” before God. When we confess before our merciful Lord, we are assured of God’s forgiveness. Instead of saying, “I’m sorry, but,” we can say, “I’m sorry because of your steadfast love and forgiveness!” What a wonderful God we serve!”
Download your copy here
You can access it online
5. Way of Love Lent Calendar (2022)
A thought for the day around 7 practices – Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, Rest.
A July 5, 2018 sermon by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry introduced the “Way of Love”, spiritual practices to “help our church to go deeper as the Jesus Movement, not just in word, but not just in deed, either, but for real. How do we help our folk to throw themselves into the arms of Jesus.?”