A Lenten Study 2015: It’s Time to Stop, Pray, Work, Play & Love

This is from the Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE). SSJE is a monastic community of The Episcopal Church & The Anglican Church of Canada Daily through the year they contribute an email. During Advent and Lent they produce special series.

For Lent 2015, they are offering "It’s Time to Stop, Pray, Work, Play & Love" from Ash Wednesday through Palm Sunday

Here is their introduction "So much of our stress and anxiety derives from our pollution of Time. God has given us the gift of time, and called it holy, yet we often experience time as a curse. In a series of short, daily videos over five weeks, the Brothers of SSJE invite us to recapture time as a gift. Join the Brothers as they wrestle with questions of time and discover how to experience the joy of the present moment."

The series asks people to think about how they relate to Time in their life over five weeks on a daily basis.

It is organized into three days of introduction followed by five weeklong sessions on Stop, Pray, Work, Play and Love. Each day there is a video, a provocative question and a call to reflect either in the workbook or via social media.

The series is designed so that everyone in your community can participate. Individuals can subscribe to receive the daily, mobile-friendly video by email at 5am local time. The videos will be able to be downloaded later as a compilation

You can sign up on their site. It’s important to signup by Feb. 18 the beginning of Lent. You can download a workbook to accompany the videos

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