As we all know, even though Covid rates are down, the pandemic is not yet over. Therefore, please observe these guidelines for the protection of all who have gathered.
Upon arrival, wait for an usher to seat you. Please use the hand sanitizer which will be at the door.
All in attendance must wear a mask at all times, which should cover both the nose and the mouth.
Physical distance of six feet or more in every direction must be kept by everyone at all times except that family groups may remain together.
The Peace will be shared with a bow or wave or peace sign and will not include physical touch.
Holy Eucharist
The ushers will direct you to the front of the church. Please maintain six feet from one another as you go forward.
Please sanitize your hands before taking a wafer at the table near the altar.
Wafers will be in cups. Take a cup from the tray, being careful not to touch the other cups.
After returning to your seat, raise your mask to consume the wafer. Cups will be collected after the service.
A blessing will be offered to anyone who comes forward seeking a blessing. The blessing will not include physical contact.
For those who choose not to receive communion, this prayer may be said. “Faithful God, in the wonder of your wisdom and love, you fed your people in the wilderness with the bread of angels and you sent Jesus to be the bread of life. Those we cannot consume these gifts, we thank you that we have received Christ’s presence, the forgiveness of sins, and all other benefits of Christ’s passion and resurrection. By the power of the Holy Spirit, may we embody your love, be renewed for your service, and be reflections of the awakened and risen Lord. Amen.
Guidelines developed by the Rt. Rev. Susan E. Goff, based on the recommendations and work of the Task Force on Eucharist, and in consultation with Dr Gonzalo Bearman, Chair, Division of Infectious Diseases Hospital Epidemiologist, VCU; Mr. Russ Catrow, COVID-19 Reopening Guidance Manager for Richmond & Henrico Health Districts with input from Dr Anthony Fauci.