Page 27 - Annual Meeting, 2020
P. 27
ECW, Annual Report, 2019
Elizabeth Heimbach, President
2019 was a busy year for the St. Peter’s ECW. Our members continued to care for the altar
each Sunday and host the monthly after-church pot luck lunches. The Royal Caterers also
planned and prepared Village Dinners every month. In addition to these activities, several
ECW members served dinner on February 5 to a group of the University of Mary
Washington ELCM students.
ECW members also gave a reception and provided housing for PhilHarmonia, the group
that performed at the concert on November 2.
Later in November, Cookie Davis hosted an elegant tea for the ECW at her house. At the tea,
members decided on the charities that the ECW will support this year.
Then, in December, the ECW participated in a Christmas program for children through
Caroline County Social Services. This involved buying and wrapping clothes and toys
requested by the children of a family in Port Royal. And, as an additional Christmas activity,
the ECW provided an array of “white elephant gifts” that were distributed at the December
Village Harvest.
Now, as the New Year begins, the members of the ECW hope to continue to work on
projects that contribute to our church and to our community.