Page 10 - Annual Meeting, 2019
P. 10

16. I saw the greeters and the ushers with a friendly welcoming smile on Sunday
                          mornings.  It was always good to see you. Thanks for being there.
                       17. I heard Ken Pogue lead with the Devotional at the Men’s monthly breakfast.
                          Thanks Ken for setting the tone and making us aware of our many blessings
                          received from the Lord.
                       18. I saw Rob hurting and mourning at the loss of his dear wife Marsha.  Hoping our
                          prayers and expressed condolences would help him during those days of sorrow.
                       19. I saw the traditional Community Easter Sunrise Service held in the Long’s
                          backyard on the River, followed by the best breakfast in town!  Nancy and Alex,
                          thank you very much for your hospitality!
                       20. Our annual “Gospel on the River” was held in the historical home of Elizabeth
                          and Jim Heimbach.  The wine and cheese selection was the best ever!  Many
                          thanks Elizabeth and Jim for keeping this event alive and being such generous
                       21. I remember baskets full of wonderful ripe tomatoes brought to our congregation
                          on several Sunday mornings by Dave Fannon and his son Gibby.  Many thanks,
                       22. The annual Christmas Hymn “Sing-Along” and “Pot-Luck Dinner” was hosted by
                          Cherry and Woody in their beautiful home across the river.  A wonderful event
                          enjoyed by all as we joyfully celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus.   Thanks so
                          much, Cherry and Woody!
                       23. I saw many other Sisters and Brothers at our worship and other meetings.  Since
                          I am up in the choir, my personal contact with you is somewhat limited.  But in
                          spirit I am there, giving you a hug or shaking your hand saying:  “Peace be with
                       24. I saw and heard our dear Priest Catherine, presiding over our worship,
                          preaching the Gospel, leading us in prayer and during Communion saying with
                                                “Dying, you destroyed our death,
                                                  Rising, you restored our life,
                                                  Christ Jesus, come in glory”!

                          Followed by these words of hope, justice and love, she says:

                          “Send your Holy Spirit upon us and upon these gifts of bread and wine that they
                          may be   to   us the Body and Blood of your Christ.

                          Grant that we, burning with your Spirit’s power, may be people of hope, justice
                          and  love.

                          Giver of Life, draw us together in the Body of Christ, and in the fullness of time
                          gather  us  with all your people into the joy of our true eternal home.  AMEN”

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