Treatment includes removal of inappropriate paint layers and other restoration materials; correction of damage and loss,
and restoration of correct contours to all members of framework; similar surface correction and other appropriate work to
the angel brackets, and a painted surface that suggests the original leaf surface to the degree possible. Work includes:
Pre-treatment documentary photography.
Removal of inappropriate coatings and other restoration materials, chemically and mechanically as appropriate.
Documentation of evidence of original surfaces and any other information of interest.
Structural stabilization/repair to any framework elements that are loose or otherwise unstable.
Consolidation of all surfaces that are prone to further disintegration.
Application of an appropriate isolating layer to separate historic materials from new work.
Filling and other appropriate repair to cracks in framework.
Filling and other appropriate compensation for losses, chips, dents, scrapes, gouges, and other damage to the molding
Create new samples of painted finish options if appropriate.
For all front and interior framework surfaces, application of a multi-layer painted finish that attempts to capture the
spirit of the original gilded surface, including mica powder and various mediums at the conservator's discretion. For all
exterior framework surfaces, application of a painted surface that blends with the white wall.
Reduction of inappropriate coatings and restoration materials from the surface of six angel brackets.
Minor restoration to chips and other damage to the figural castings, at the conservator's discretion.
Application of a similar painted surface, to blend with the plaster framework.
Proposed work, Part 2
Framework, Angel Corbels