We are a small Episcopal Church on the banks of the Rappahannock in Port Royal, Virginia. We acknowledge that we gather on the traditional land of the first people of Port Royal, the Nandtaughtacund, who are still here, and we honor with gratitude the land itself and the life of the Rappahannock Tribe. Our mission statement is to do God’s Will in all that we do. We welcome all people to our church.
Love is a crucial part of the Advent story. Because of Joseph’s love for Mary, he didn’t stone her when he found out she was pregnant with what he thought was a child out of wedlock with another man (Matthew 1:18-19). Mary has a natural motherly love for Jesus, and ultimately, we see God’s love for everyone by sending his son for us (John 3:16).
Jesus focused on preaching love throughout his ministry. Two of his greatest commands involve love: Love God, love your neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40).
Love is the greatest of all the virtues on the Advent wreath and encompasses Jesus’ entire purpose for being on earth (1 Corinthians 13:13).
A wonderful Giving Tuesday it was !
We raised $899 which will cover 4 months of expenses for the Village Harvest food ministry. We exceeded our goal of $500. This compares with 2019 when we raised, $945 and $497.25 in 2018
Thanks to all who contributed as well as those who help with the Village Harvest and those who take advantage of it.
We also collected :
1. UTO (United Thank Offering): $268.87
2. Episcopal Church Men $905 to Thanksgiving and Christmas. The Christmas donation goes until Dec. 15
Dec. 5 – 11:00am, Eucharist In person in the church or on Zoom. – Join here at 10:45am for gathering – service starts at 11am Meeting ID: 869 9926 3545 Passcode: 889278
Dec. 5 – 12:00pm, Coffee Hour
Dec. 5 – 7:00pm, Compline on Zoom – Join here at 6:30pm for gathering – service starts at 7pm Meeting ID: 878 7167 9302 Passcode: 729195
Dec. 6 – 6:30am – Be Still Meditation group in a 20 minute time of prayer Meeting ID: 879 8071 6417 Passcode: 790929
Bible Study on Wednesday 10am-12pm!
Dec. 12 – 11:00am, Advent 2
Dec. 12 – 7:00pm, Compline on Zoom – Join here at 6:30am for gathering – service starts at 7pm Meeting ID 834 7356 6532 Password 748475
Saylor Nativity Collection
The Saylors brought their nativity collection to St. Peter’s for Advent. They are in the windows. Jan has been collecting since the early 1990’s. The photo above took a character (or group) from each of the 8 countries represented in their collection.
Top Row, left to right – Bolivia, US, Indonesia, Peru
Second Row, left to right -Dominican Republic, Zambia, Colombia, and Haiti
There is a story behind each piece of art. Some of the art was bartered (Dominican Republic, Haiti) and others bought from Ten Thousand Villages a nonprofit fair trade organization (Indonesia, Peru, Colombia). Some of the pieces from Zambia and Dominican Republic reflect their overseas travels. Closer to home the US piece came from Jan’s family home. We thank them for sharing this treasure with St. Peter’s.
We have a photo gallery of the exhibit.
Advent Thoughts
Advent is a season of Watching and Waiting. It is a season of leaning into hope
Lord Jesus:
Come into our world and heal its wounds
Come into your church and raise it up
Come into our homes and make them holy
Come into our work and make it fruitful
Come into our minds and give us clarity
Come into our lives and make them beautiful
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
God of the past, the present and the future, grant me patience when I must wait, courage when it’s time to take action, and the wisdom to know when to wait and when to act. Amen.
Golden Hour at St. Peter’s
Come to St. Peter’s in the late fall and early winter between 4pm and 6pm and the beauty is overwhelming. These were taken on Friday, Dec. 9, 2016.
Advent 1 links
Advent 2 links
Explore Advent, Part 2
“Advent is a time to look for “desert places”: the place of solitude, the place of true silence in which we can become fully awake to our sin and God’s forgiving grace which alone can heal it.”-Br. Robert L’Esperance
This week we focus on John the Baptist through scripture, art and commentary. Let’s move to Advent 2.
John the Baptist presentation.
St Nicholas Day is December 6.
Here is a presentation that provides the background of this saint who has had a colorful and varied history over 1800 years.
Arts and Faith- Advent 2, relating art and scripture
Mattia Preti’s St. John the Baptist Preaching shows John in the wilderness, sharing his message with a small crowd of captivated followers. He is surrounded by symbols that invite us into his story. The red garment that envelops half of his body brings to mind the martyrdom he will endure. The staff and banner are signs of his prophetic role heralding the coming of Christ, and the lamb at the bottom center of the scene echoes John’s announcement of Christ as the Lamb of God.
The broken tree stump that St. John leans on is also telling us a story. Its trunk is almost wide and solid enough to be an altar. This seen together with the red cloth and the lamb subtly evokes sacrifice: the story of Abraham and Isaac perhaps, but more clearly the cross itself, the ultimate tree of sacrifice. The trunk is dead and broken, its branches split and severed, but John’s body leaning on it gives it life. It is as if John’s torso and extended arm become the living extension of the tree, giving a seemingly exhausted trunk new life and purpose. In this, the image invites us to reflect on the power of the life-giving Word of God, which St. John is heralding.
Another interesting detail is the angel in the top right of the scene, directly engaging the viewer with his gaze. The angel’s direct gaze makes him the storyteller. This is by no accident, as in Scripture, angels are messengers of God. Luke’s Gospel for the Second Sunday of Advent tells us that the Word of God came to John in the desert, and Preti gives us an angel, a herald of the Word of God, to show this and the divine source animating St. John’s work. But as the angel looks at us square on, his presence is also a call to the viewer to both accept the Word and to share it. This Second Sunday of Advent, we do not simply hear about the prophet John; in hearing the Word ourselves, we are called to live prophetically and to prepare the way all around us.
Additional Meditations:
Suzanne Guthrie – “A Way in the Wilderness” (2014)
Daniel Berrigan – “Advent Credo” (2004)
Catherine Adler – “Advent Hands”
From the Presiding Bishop-
Advent Messages 2012-2020
From the Diocese of Virginia –
Learning the Art of Waiting in Advent (2012)Rt. Rev. Susan Goff
Be Awake, Alert, Aware, Alive, Part 1 (2013)
Rt. Rev. Susan Goff
“Send us Now Into the World in peace.” (2018)
Rt. Rev. Susan Goff
2018 Devotions from the Diocese of Virginia (2018)
Liturgical Layers – Advent
Bishop Shannon Johnston
Christmas Flowers
Linda Hemming, Aquia Church
Advent Waiting in Hope
Jeff Borden
The surprising origins of the Twelve Days of Christmas
Make Ready the Feast highlights one scripture citation and one recipe during Advent
This candle reflects the joy that comes through Jesus’ arrival, and through the salvation he has gifted us. During this third week of advent, this Sunday celebrates the passage Philippians 4:4-5, its verses extolling readers to “rejoice” for “indeed the Lord is near.”
During a time where depression is at an all-time high and people seem to be in the most despair, this candle offers a bright light during a dark time.
It is also known as the Shepherd Candle to highlight the joy the shepherds experienced when they received the good news about Christ’s birth (Luke 2:8-20). During the middle of the night, the darkest time, the shepherds encountered angels.
Explore Advent, Part 3 – Over the Sundays in Advent there will be a presentation each week focusing on that week’s scriptures, art and commentary and how they demonstrate the themes of advent. Let’s continue with Advent 3.
A. Voices for Advent 3
“In Advent the church emphasizes these ways of continual change: Repentance. Conversion of life. Self-examination. Awakening. Deepening. “
– Suzanne Guthrie
B. “You Don’t Want to Be a Prophet (Isaiah, Luke)
“Christmas without Anglicans?” – Anglican contributions to Advent and Christmas carols.
Christmas Deadlines
1. Poinsettias for Christmas Eve and Christmas – If you like to donate a poinsettia for Christmas, the cost is $15. Please complete the order form and include a separate check to St. Peter’s with poinsettia in the memo line. Deadline Sunday, Dec. 12th.
2. Donation to the Endowment Fund. By Dec. 19rh
Arts and Faith- Advent 3, relating art and scripture
The video and prayer for the Third Week of Advent, Cycle C, is based on Luke 3:10–18. The art is Domenico Ghirlandaio’s Preaching of St. John the Baptist.
Domenico Ghirlandaio’s fresco of John the Baptist preaching is one of a series he created for the Tornabuoni Chapel of Florence’s Santa Maria Novella Church. In this scene, we meet John the Baptist preaching to the crowds, standing on a rock and holding a cross staff with one hand, while instructing with his other. As he turns his attention to the people on the right of the scene, we can imagine him articulating the admonitions listed in Luke’s Gospel in response to the question, “Teacher, what should we do?” In his teaching to share goods justly and avoid extortion and excessive taxing, John is preparing the way for the Lord.
As John prepares the way by his preaching, Christ appears on the top left, heading down a path toward the crowd. Not one person notices him. At the moment, the focus is still on John’s preparatory role, on his preaching ministry that prepares the expectant hearts of the crowd for the advent of the Lord. Christ’s downcast gaze and crossed hands in contrast with John’s more active expression and hand gestures also underscore the focus of the moment.
To the left of the scene we meet a gathering of women, a feature characteristic of Ghirlandaio’s work. They too are engaged in listening to John. Two of them are pictured from the back, one standing and one seated at the foot of the rock on which John stands. The seated woman is especially evocative; her body is turned and directed toward John, even as a child at the foot of the prophet reaches out to get her attention. This detail alludes to conversion away from the pagan classical world that the child represents to the anticipation of the Gospel heralded by John. Seeing the woman’s back, the viewer is called to follow her example and to find oneself in her company in the crowd surrounding John.
In the midst of the elegant and colorful crowd, John the Baptist stands on a rock in his camelhair shirt and preaches the coming of Christ. His words call us to turn too, make way for the Lord, and let our hearts be filled with joyful expectation as he nears.
Make a Gift Today! 2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Rector 4. Server Schedule Dec., 2021 5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (Dec., 2021) 6. Calendar 9. Latest Sunday Bulletin (Dec. 5, 2021 11:00am), and Sermon (Dec. 5, 2021) 10. Recent Services: Readings and Prayers, All Saints, Nov. 7, Readings and Prayers, Nov. 14, Readings and Prayers, Nov. 21, |
Block Print by Mike Newman
3-Minute Retreats invite you to take a short prayer break right at your computer. Spend some quiet time reflecting on a Scripture passage.
Knowing that not everyone prays at the same pace, you have control over the pace of the retreat. After each screen, a Continue button will appear. Click it when you are ready to move on. If you are new to online prayer, the basic timing of the screens will guide you through the experience.
Daily meditations in words and music.
Your daily prayer online, since 1999
“We invite you to make a ‘Sacred Space’ in your day, praying here and now, as you visit our website, with the help of scripture chosen every day and on-screen guidance.”
Saints of the Week, Dec. 5 – Dec. 12, 2021
Clement of Alexandria, Priest & Theologian, c. 210 |
Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c. 342 |
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 397 |
Richard Baxter, Pastor and Writer, 1691 |
10 |
Thomas Merton, Monastic and Writer, 1968 Karl Barth, Pastor and Theologian, 1968 |
[Francis de Sales, Bishop, & Jane de Chantal], Monastic, Workers of Charity, 1622 & 1641 |