News Update: Our prayers go out to those affected by tornados in the Midwest. Give to OK relief.
Poetry about The Trinity
1. St. Augustine
He who loves,
He who is loved, The Love"
2. Richard Rohr
"Everything goes back to the mystery of the Trinity. This mystery says the foundation of reality is relationship – the giving and receiving between the Father and the Son, which is the Holy Spirit.
"The Spirit is the life given back and received between the Father and the Son. That’s very traditional Trinitarian doctrine."
Block Print by Mike Newman
1. "Operation Clean Sweep", Saturday, June 1, 2013 Bowling Green
Spring Cleaning! Clean out those closets, basements and attics and find new homes for those items you no longer need. The ECW will have several tables at the Bowling Green Clean Sweep on Saturday, June 1 and will sell these donated items to raise money for missions all over the world. Call Eunice (804) 241-5395 for more information or to volunteer on June 1.
Here is a link to last year’s event.
2. Writing to Alex Long in Afghanistan
Alex Long would appreciate mail from you. You can write Alex a letter at this address:
Sgt Long, Alexander
UNIT 42550
FPO AP 96427-2550
Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture
4. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.
![St. Peter's Episcopal April 14, 2013](
Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.
May 26- 9:00am- Morning Prayer, Rite I – Trinity Sunday
May 26- 10:00am- "Affirming our Faith" – Christian Ed
May 26- 11:00am- Holy Eucharist, Rite II – Trinity Sunday
Pentecost recap , May 19, 2013 (full size gallery)
Fisher family’s pictures of Building Futures, life in South Sudan
Becky spoke in church on May 19 about their trip to Glen Allen and Hope for Humanity’s fundraiser . W e have received some pictures.
Building Futures is a demonstration of life in South Sudan and a fundraiser for Hope for Humanity school in South Sudan. Their school opened in 2007 to combat illiteracy in that country. Now, they are building a dorm for girls so they will not have to endure dangers journeying to the school. It was also a fundraising for a well to provide clean water.
Trinity Sunday, May 26, 2013
Trinity Sunday, the first Sunday after Pentecost, honors the Holy Trinity—the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the word “trinity” does not appear in Scripture, it is taught in Matthew 28:18-20 and 2 Corinthians 13:14 (and many other biblical passages). It lasts only one day, which is symbolic of the unity of the Trinity.
Trinity Sunday is one of the few feasts of the Christian Year that celebrates a reality and doctrine rather than an event or person. The Eastern Churches have no tradition of Trinity Sunday, arguing that they celebrate the Trinity every Sunday.
Understanding of all scriptural doctrine is by faith which comes through the work of the Holy Spirit; therefore, it is appropriate that this mystery is celebrated the first Sunday after the Pentecost, when the outpouring of the Holy Spirit first occurred.
The Trinity is best described in the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, commonly called the Nicene Creed. Essentially the Trinity is the belief that God is one in essence (Greek ousia), but distinct in person (Greek hypostasis). The Greek word for person means "that which stands on its own," or "individual reality," and does not mean the persons of the Trinity are three human persons. Therefore we believe that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are somehow distinct from one another (not divided though), yet completely united in will and essence.
Trinity Sunday a year ago…
Last year, Trinity Sunday fell on June 3. Here is a description of last year’s service with pictures. Day lilies were in bloom. They should return the first week in June.
Visualizing the Trinity
The Trinity is most commonly seen in Christian art with the Spirit represented by a dove, as specified in the Gospel accounts of the Baptism of Christ; he is nearly always shown with wings outspread. However depictions using three human figures appear occasionally in most periods of art.
The Father and the Son are usually differentiated by age, and later by dress, but this too is not always the case. The usual depiction of the Father as an older man with a white beard may derive from the biblical Ancient of Days, which is often cited in defense of this sometimes controversial representation.
The Son is often shown at the Father’s right hand.[Acts 7:56 ] He may be represented by a symbol—typically the Lamb or a cross—or on a crucifix, so that the Father is the only human figure shown at full size. In early medieval art, the Father may be represented by a hand appearing from a cloud in a blessing gesture, for example in scenes of the Baptism of Christ.
"Affirming our Faith" begins this Sunday, May 26 at 10am
Come together for a four week series that begins next week at 10AM on Sunday morning.
“Affirming our Faith” will cover information about what it means to be a Christian, specifically in the Episcopal Church. Those who are preparing for the Bishop’s visit will be attending, and everyone else is also welcome.
Come share some food, fun and learning for these four Sundays, beginning on Sunday, May 26th. Bring your questions.
UTO Spring Ingathering, May 26th
"Our Change Changes Lives"
Bring your UTO boxes and/or checks to support the work of the UTO.
UTO is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Church. Founded by women in 1889 to enable the missionary work of the church, the program has been administered by the women of the church. The ECW gives the money raised, called the United Thank Offering, in grants to fund mission projects in our diocese and around the world.
These projects include:
• Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger
• Achieving universal primary education
• Reducing child mortality
• Improving maternal health
Become a part of the United Thank Offering by offering thanks for God’s blessings in your life. Please save your coins in the blue UTO box or write a check and place it in the blue box, available in the back pew . Every coin is used to support grants for mission and ministry.
More information about the UTO can be found here.
Memorial Day Sunday, May 26th
In the past we have said prayers not only for the military in general but for each branch. Each person stood up if they or their family served.
In 2012, this included 6 for the Army, 7 for the Navy, 2 for the Marines, 4 for the Airforce and 1 for the Coast Guard.