Frontpage, March 18, 2013

Top links

1. Newcomers – ‘Welcome Brochure’

2. Contact the Rev Catherine Hicks, Priest-in-Charge

3. St. Peter’s News

4. March 2013 Server Schedule

5. Latest Newsletter-the Parish Post (March 2013)

6. Calendar

7. Parish Ministries

8. What’s new on the website (March 22, 2013)

9. Transportation in Need List

10. Latest Photo Galleries  A Ladies Night Out B.  Lent 4  C. Lent 3   

11. Latest Bulletin (March 24, 2013).and Sermon (March 17, 2013)

Bulletin 03-24-13

  Bible Challenge

Reading the Bible in a year!


1. Diocese of Va. page 

2. Video on the program

3. 365 day schedule 

Bishop Shannon with St. Peter's banner

Mike Newmans Block print of St. Peter's Christmas

 Block Print by Mike Newman


Continuing Projects 

1. Writing to Alex Long in Afghanistan

Alex Long would appreciate mail from you. You can write Alex a letter at this address: 

Sgt Long, Alexander
UNIT 42550
FPO AP  96427-2550 

St. Peter's Pet Directory 2012 

 2. Enter our animal kingdom!

 Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture

Prayer Request

3. Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.

4. Box Tops for Education for local schools

This is a project of the children of the church.Take one of the colorful collection cans from back of church and fill them up with box tops from participating products. By the end of February, bring them back to the church and give them to Tierra.

Here is a list of participating products.  

Box Tops for Education has helped America’s schools earn over $475 million since 1996. You can earn cash for your child’s school by clipping Box Tops coupons from hundreds of participating products. Box Tops also offers easy ways to earn even more cash for your school online.

Here is a video introduction

5. Forgiveness Adult Ed

This Lenten series concluded on March 17. You can still read the 5 part session:

1. Part 1
2. Part 2
3. Part 3
4. Part 4
5. Part 5

Last Week in Lent , March 17, 2013  (full size gallery)

          See the Sunday Review

St. Peter's Episcopal Feb 13, 2013

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

March 24 -10:50am- Liturgy of the Palms 

March 24 -11:00am- Palm Sunday. Liturgy of the Passion


Sunday’s Readings   

Palm Sunday, March 24, 2013

Palm Sunday 1891

We are nearing the end of Lent. Lent proper began on Ash Wednesday and ends on Palm/Passion Sunday, a day that in turn inaugurates Holy Week. Palm Sunday has two liturgies – the Liturgy of the Palms where we consider Jesus arrival in Jerusalem from Galilee and the Liturgy of the Passion, a foreshadowing of Holy Week.   

At 10:50am we will meet in the yard beside the parish house for the Blessing of the Palms followed by our Palm Sunday procession into the church which will feature the Liturgy of the Passion

Palm Sunday is the hinge between Lent and Holy Week. Lent has been the 40 day season of fasting and spiritual preparation intended to understand in practices, ritual and disciplines critical to living in the way of Jesus and Holy Week. Holy Week is a time of more intense fasting, reading and prayers in which we pay particular attention to the final days, suffering, and execution of Jesus.

Here is a page of the significance  Palm Sunday– meanings, the path and art of this important day.

The following week is Holy Week.  We have both a timetable and links to this most important week in our tradition.

Easter Memorials – Deadline March 24, 2013

This year you can give Easter lilies in honor, memory of or thanksgiving for others as in the past. They are $10 each.

Also we are adding the organ fund as a special opportunity for a gift. The organ requires $3,900 in work on the pedal board. The organ is a 1850 George Stevens, the only one like it in Virginia. We are fortunate to have Mark Thompson as our "organ mechanic." Help us keep it in proper maintenance !

The following form will be available from March 10-24 in church to complete and send in a check. You can find the form here  

Holy Week, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 7PM—TENEBRAE

This service focuses on words that Jesus would have prayed during the suffering in his own life. Yet his faith in God remained. The use of light in this service is powerful. The altar is covered with candles, and after each reading, the light from one candle is quenched. By the end of the service, all of the light has gone, just as the sky grew dark at the hour of the crucifixion. Last year’s Tenebrae service


Thursday, March 28, 7PM—MAUNDY THURSDAY (5pm Seder Supper in Parish House )

Come to the Seder supper before! See below

At this service, we focus on the institution of Holy Eucharist, given to us by Jesus at the Last Supper, the gift of love in the sacrament of Christ’s Body and Blood.  At the end of the service we follow Jesus and the disciples into the Garden of Gethsemane. The altar is stripped beginning the celebration of the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.  Last year’s Maundy Thursday service.


Friday, March 29, 7PM—GOOD FRIDAY

This service is a time of prayer and reflection on own sinfulness as we meditate on Christ’s passion and death.  The powerful visual image for this service is the large wooden cross which will be brought into the church by the acolyte and that towers above us throughout the service as it rests on the altar, a symbol of God’s love and sacrifice for us. Last year’s Good Friday service.



Home of Alexander Long IV 


Sunday, March 31, 11AM Service

The service will begin with the lighting the paschal flame. We will carry the light of our Risen Lord and Savior into the church. We will light the paschal candle with the light from the paschal flame. And during this service, we will celebrate the new life available to all of us through the resurrection of Jesus. Last year’s Easter service.

Seder supper on March 28, 5pm 

This is the last section of the Feasting on Jesus Lenten study which will be serving at 5pm March 28, just before Maundy Thursday service.

The Seder or Passover meal was more than just a feast. It celebrated what was certainly the seminal and defining event in the history of Israel: death passing over the Jewish firstborns and striking the Egyptians and the Jewish people passing over from slavery to freedom. The events a shaped the Jewish people and made them who they were It is these events and people that they remembered and relived each year at Passover or Seder feast.

Passover was one of three pilgrim feasts when many faithful Jews traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate their religion, history, culture, and harvests with sacrifices and feasting

The feast doubled as a classroom. Teaching the children about the exodus from Egypt was an essential aspect of the feast (see Exodus 12:26). Children were encouraged to ask questions about the meal and what it meant.

On that special night, the entire family ate, drank, asked questions, heard stories about their history and heritage and celebrated. The past became for them a present reality because the story of the  saving deeds of God was once again told and appropriated. Because of this annual feast and the retelling of the story of the Exodus, the children of each generation participated in the event that formed their people and nation.

Not only was that night different than all others, the meal was different as well. Three foods were required: lamb, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs. By the first century, a dip called charoset, made with fruit, nuts, and sweet wine, was also served, but was not considered a required element of the feast. Read more...

Rebuilding toilets in Haiti, continuing  Sunday, March 24

Region One is spear heading a campaign for each of the 19 churches in our region to raise $1,684  to build a new toilet system for the school attached to Notre Dame Cathedral and 300 students in students. Currently there is one latrine for 300 people. And that one is decrepit by our standards. For $32,000 we can build that system which will reduce disease, include cholera and improve sanitation.  

The 7.0 Earthquake in Haiti in 2010 killed 310,000 and left 1 million homeless, rampant disease. This was to the poorest nation in this hemisphere before the earthquake. Here is a picture story

In 2011 a relationship was established between St. George’s and Notre Dame Cathedral in Port-au-Prince Haiti. Other churches in our Region, Trinity Episcopal, Christ Episcopal and Church of the Incarnation have contributed their donations and time and money toward developing this partnership.  In particuarly they monies have provided scholarship for students for books and support for teachers. 

Come on March 24 and contribute to this cause.  We hope to be able to complete this by Easter . 

Tools for the Sudan – Final Call March 24, 2013

We have raised over $3,100 for this project. Thanks to one and all! Ideally we would like to be at $3,500 by the end of the month. Please continue to support this project for the new refugees streaming into South Sudan from the north.

  • The overall project is described here.
  • You can donate funds  to help new refugees coming into Sudan through this shopping cart. Print it out and send your card and check to the address listed.
  • OR  you can pay online saving printing and a stamp.

Either way we thank you for your gift of a new beginning for those coming to our newest world country.

Here is message from Bishop John Wallam received this week. 

"The fishery Project Team purchase fishery equipments yesterday here in bentiu… The project activities will start this Month, conracted People will go to river site next week, for the opration to take off for fishing Exercise. I will send you the purchasing items report as soon as the purchasing Items is complete. Appreciations and thanks to you and Brothers and Sisters in Virgini church for Generousness contribution they have made for this project.

Be Blessed + Bishop john Gattek Wallam

Community Dinner, Saturday, March 30, 2013 – 2pm to 4pm

We are holding our 7th community dinner at the Firehouse on the Saturday before Easter from 2pm to 4pm. We are expecting 100 children .

We are partnering with the Town and Caroline Co. Parks & Rec. There will be games, photos with the Easter Bunny (Tammy Wisdom), face painting (by Becky Fisher), and of course, the egg hunt. Food: hot dogs, fruit and veggie trays and beverage will be provided. Plan for a busy 2 hours! Parks & Rec will decorate the fire house. Catherine will prepare an Easter handout for the children

If you can assist with this event, please come to the fire house by 1:00 pm.

Here is a link to our last community dinner at Christmas and details on all of the dinners.




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