Reading the Bible in a year!
Continuing Projects
Don’t see your pet ? Upload a picture
2 Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.
3 Hard candy donations – We will be providing Christmas candy to over three hundred prisoners at Peumansend Creek Regional Jail. Your donations of hard candy, individually wrapped, and small plastic snack bags would be greatly appreciated. The Evening ECW and the youth will put the bags of candy together and deliver them to the jail. Deadline Dec. 17
A Review of Last Sunday – All Saints, Nov. 4, 2012
Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.
Nov. 18 -9:45am Christian Education for children and adults
Nov. 18 -11:00am, Holy Eucharist
Donate for Staten Island Hurricane Sandy relief
We sent our Mission Trip to Staten Island in August, 2012. We bonded with the Moravians over a common need for clothes. After Hurricane Sandy they need our help once more. They sent this message to us:
"The four Staten Island Moravian Churches covet your prayers and support as we seek to assist our own members who suffered losses and as we seek to be present to our many friends and neighbors who are suffering from Hurricane Sandy. The loss of life, homes, and businesses on Staten Island is particularly great for those living in the low areas close to the beaches. We are now gathering information to determine the best way to cooperate with government and community agencies.
The Central Elders of the United Brethren’s Church, with permission from the Eastern District and in behalf of the four Staten Island Moravian Churches, will be accepting donations to help in the relief effort. Checks should be made out to the United Brethren’s Church – Central Elders and the memo line should read Hurricane Sandy Relief. They should be sent to 2205 Richmond Road, Staten Island, NY 10306. The Rev. Maggie Wellert, Pastor of Great Kills Moravian Church is serving as the Chairperson of the Central Elders this year."
This link shows the extent of hurricane damage.
Collection of more pictures
Diaster relief update
"History of Christianity", this Sunday, Nov. 18, 9:45am – God in the Dock , Part 1
The final two episodes reviews trends in the last three centuries of Christian history. This week it is the 18th and 19th centuries.
When CS Lewis published a collection of essays on Christian themes he gave it the title, God In The Dock. That’s a good description of the way in which Western culture ‘has increasingly put the Christian God on trial.
For 2,000 years the Christian answer to the big questions of existence was faith in God as revealed in Jesus Christ. That made sense of life and death
In the last century, there has been an increasing a scepticism, a tendency to doubt, which has transformed Western culture and transformed Christianity. Where did that change come from? This has stemmed from the Enlightenment years of the 18th century where advances of science, reason and progress tended to lead those to question Christian authority.
He focuses on several leading thinkers –one of the earliest philosophers Bernard Spinoza in Amsterdam, the scientist Sir Isaac Newton and then Voltaire and the Philosphs at the time before the French Revolution. What lasted through the French Revolution ? He then switches to some of the scholars who restudied Jesus life in the 19th century in the century of Protestant Liberalism.
The tide of faith, perversely, flows back in, for Christianity has a remarkable resilience. In crisis, it’s rediscovered deep and enduring truths about itself. And that may even be a clue to its future.
Did you miss the earlier sessions ? Here are transcripts or this session only.
A Photo Op – St. Peter’s 2013 Directory
We will be expanding the Church directory in 2013 with a section of photos of the parish, including friends of St. Peter’s. Clarence is heading up the directory project with help from a committee consisting of Andrea Pogue, Cindy Fields and Ben Hicks.
Picture taking will be held the first and third Sundays just after Church. You can "schedule yourself" by just appearing on the second floor of the Parish House in Catherine’s study for the photo. In general they will be family pictures though due to the size of some famililes, we may separate the children from the parents. We anticipate the directory will be ready by February 2013. Thank you!