Reading the Bible in a year!
Continuing Projects
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Prayer requests – Add a name to the prayer list here.
Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.
Oct. 28 -9:45am Christian Education for children and adults
Oct. 28 -11:00am Morning Prayer, Rite II
Stewardship Campaign (Oct 21 – Nov. 4)
A Message from Jim Anderson, this year’s Stewardship Chairperson. He will be speaking at the Oct 28th Morning Prayer service:
"The amount of your pledge is obviously important and it is no small undertaking as everyone tries to balance his or her individual budgets. In most cases, mine included, the church offering is usually the last item to be considered and we attempt to justify in our minds that the amount is reasonable. Again, in most cases we do not do a good job of convincing ourselves the amount is reasonable and feel sort of uncomfortable about the whole subject.
"This year I am going to approach this subject differently and base my pledge on how thankful I am for the blessings I have received. Too often we take all our blessings for granted and forget how they were made possible."
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).
“I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing." – (Genesis 12:2-3)
What is Stewardship ? Read "Stewardship is"
Samaritan’s Purse- Operating Christmas Child (Oct 14- Nov 11)
Time to get to shop for your shoe boxes. See our the following links:
2. Don’t want to create one ? Give online and follow the destination of your box.
About Samaritan’s purse :
1. 2011 report
2. "The Greatest Journey" Here is the discipleship program involved Stories connected with the program
3. Operating Christmas Card – Fact Sheet
"History of Christianity", this Sunday, October 28, 9:45am – Protestant Reformation, Part 2
We continue the Reformation moving to England. In 1534, Henry VIII seized control of the Church of England when the Pope refused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon. The English provided a middle way emphasizing Protestant concepts of justification of faith, eliminating indulgences but keeping many Catholic forms of worship – a liturgy, vestments, and a rich musical tradition. But not everyone in England approved of half measures of reform. Puritans were austere Protestants which hated anything that suggested Catholicism. Under a successor to Elizabeth I , Charles I their anger swelled into civil war. Puritans soldiers fighting for the Westminster Parliament smashed stained glass windows and any symbol of English Catholic monarchy.
The Counter-Reformation was not only the Catholic response to Protestantism . In fact it begun in response to a much older threat – Islam’s conquest of Spain in the 7th century and the gradual reconquest of Spain. By the 13th century they fought their way back to Andalusia in the south and one of its greatest cities, Cordoba. “But Rome eventually realized it had to react to the Reformation as well. In 1545, a council opened at Trent in Italy to restate Catholic truths and to reassert papal authority… Far from being destroyed by the Protestants, the Catholics did what Christianity always does – it adapted itself in a crisis. It eventually emerged renewed and poised to win new converts.” In this show we see the results in Spain and also in the new world, particularly Mexico in assimilating new converts. New groups such as the Jesuits took up the task.
The 30 years war, 1618-1648 was the final event in the Reformation. The Catholics managed to push Protestantism back from parts of central and western Europe and confine it mainly to the north. But many percecuted Protestans took flight to the new world and the video spotlights Pennsylvania.
Did you miss the earlier sessions ? Here are transcripts or this session only.
Spirituality of the Arts, Nov. 9, 5pm
We have a sample of the work of each artist:
Bishop Goff – Art Gallery Susan Tilt – Art Gallery