Frontpage, October 15, 2012

St. Peter's Episcopal

Christ centered, Biblically based, spirit filled and a place of simple hospitality, we have shared our communal life with our church,our community, and those in need. Your presence enriches us.

Ordinary Time   

Oct. 21 -9:45am Christian Education for children and adults    

Oct. 21 -11:00am Holy Eucharist Rite II   

Sunday Readings and Servers  

Stewardship Sunday, Oct. 21

A Message from Jim Anderson, this year’s Stewardship Chairperson:

Blessed to Be A Blessing"This month you will be receiving your pledge cards and I request that you take the time to indicate your support and return your cards to the church on the schedule indicated. It is very important that the cards are returned as those pledges will be used to determine the level of God’s work that St Peter’s will be able to undertake for the coming year. Offerings provided without a supporting pledge card are appreciated and will be used; however the Vestry may only base their budget on pledged amounts so please take the time to return your card.

"The amount of your pledge is obviously important and it is no small undertaking as everyone tries to balance his or her individual budgets. In most cases, mine included, the church offering is usually the last item to be considered and we attempt to justify in our minds that the amount is reasonable. Again, in most cases we do not do a good job of convincing ourselves the amount is reasonable and feel sort of uncomfortable about the whole subject.

"This year I am going to approach this subject differently and base my pledge on how thankful I am for the blessings I have received. Too often we take all our blessings for granted and forget how they were made possible."

“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

“I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
  and you will be a blessing." – (Genesis 12:2-3)

What is Stewardship ?  Read "Stewardship is"

"History of Christianity",  this Sunday,  October 21, 9:45am – Protestantism Part 1

Martin Luther We move to the third branch of Christianity, Protestantism which is our branch. The next two weeks will focus on the Reformation, that period in history from 1517-1648 where the Protestant churches developed and also the so –called Counter Reformation, which was the response of the Catholics. We will explore the thoughts and actions of Martin Luther, John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli who developed the Reformation in Germany and Switzerland. Their work solidified Protestantism for Northern Europe which is still true today 

In 1500 the only christianity that most Western Europeans knew was the Church that called itself Catholic. But that would soon change. The church was selling certificates called indulgences to show how much time you had avoided in purgatory. The cash paid for new churches and hospitals. But was this right ?

In 1517 the Luther, a German monk and professor announced a university debate on indulgences which would discuss no less than 95 propositions or theses and it is said that he announced the debate by nailing the theses to a church door and this in legend has become the start of the Reformation.

Luther’s message appeals to modern individualism – a refusal blindly to accept authority. It is a legend that Luther said to the Emperor “Here I stand, I can do no other.” If he didn’t say that, he ought to have done so because it captures the essence of his defiance and its a crime which I find most compelling about Prostantism. We stand alone with our consciences. We can do no other.  

Did you miss the earlier sessions ? Here are transcripts or this session only.

ECW Walked the Labyrinth, Oct 18 at St. Mary’s White Chapel

St. Mary's Labyrinth.










The ECW visited St. Mary’s Whitechapel in Lancaster, established in 1669. The church in itself is worth a visit for its history but the ECW destination was to walk the Labyrinth in the Woods. Former priest Karen Woodruff was on hand to provide a history of the church and explain the labrinth.  Labyrinths date back thousands of years and are not limited to any single culture or religious tradition. The earliest examples are more than 3000 years old. They were used in place of pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Middle Ages since it was so dangerous to go.  This labyrinth was based on the Chartres Cathedral design and today is a place of contempation and prayer relieving the mind of stress.  The fall foliage among the oaks and pines surrounding the labyrinth was an extra treat.  The ECW later had lunch at the Lancaster Tavern where the picture below was taken:

ECW at the Lancaster Tavern Oct 18, 2012

ECW to participate in the Bowling Green Harvest Festival, Oct. 20th

ECW at Bowling Green Harvest Festival 10-15-2011

Eunice Key is the chairperson for the event. The ECW needs purses, scarves, jewelry and baked goods to sell at this year’s festival. They will pick up any items left at the church. It attracts thousands of people in the all day festival in downtown Bowling Green.

Here is a link to last year’s event

From Bowling Green’s Website

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