A Father’s Day Prayer
For fathers everywhere,
who have given us life and love,
that we may show them respect and love.
Holy God, hear this prayer for our fathers.
For fathers who have lost a child through death,
that their faith may give them hope,
and their family and friends support and console them
Holy God, hear this prayer for our fathers who mourn.
For men, though without children of their own,
have acted as fathers and have nurtured and cared for us.
Holy God, hear this prayer for our father figures.
For step-fathers who have assumed that role with love and joy,
who have loved the children of another as their own,
and created a new family.
Holy God, hear this prayer for step-fathers.
For adoptive fathers, who have claimed the orphan
and loved the once unwanted as a precious gift from God.
Holy God, hear this prayer for adoptive fathers.
For fathers who have been unable to be a source of strength,
who have not responded to the needs of their children,
and have not sustained their families.
Holy God, have mercy on absentee fathers.
For fathers who struggle with temptation, violence, or addiction.
For those who do harm, and for those whom they have harmed.
Holy God, have mercy on fathers that struggle.
For new fathers, full of hope.
For long-time fathers, full of wisdom.
For all the fathers yet to be, and fathers soon to be.
Holy God, hear our prayers for the fathers of your Church.
For those who have shaped our lives
Without claim to family or kinship.
For those who have taught us, guided us
Shaped us and molded us into servants of Christ our Lord.
Holy God, hear our prayer for the fathers of our faith.
For our fathers who have died,
That they may have a place in your eternal kingdom.
Holy God, hear this prayer for the fathers we continue to love but see no longer.
God our father, in your wisdom and love you made all things.
Bless all fathers, and strengthen them to be examples of your love.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may give thanks for all our fathers have done for us,
and honor them always with a spirit of profound respect.
And grant that we may offer compassion and forgiveness for the ways in which they have sometimes failed us.
Grant this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
— adapted by Robb McCoy from the United Methodist Book of Worship, page 441.