ECM, Nov. 9, 2013

We had a good meeting Saturday and discussed the upcoming Holidays. The group wanted to do two things: provide needy families with food and gifts for the upcoming holidays. In that vein, with the little bit of money in the Church treasury that is earmarked for us, it was decided that we will take a small but appropriate amount for food for a needy family for Thanksgiving. Johnny Davis volunteered to contact Social Services and get the name of a family needing help in getting food for Thanksgiving.

For Christmas, we will follow the procedure we successfully used last year. Each Episcopal Men’s Group member is asked to donate $25 towards gifts for a family that cannot afford to have a Christmas. Helmut will get the name of a family from Social Services and a description of their needs and we will try to select gifts and food along the lines that were suggested by Social Services to meet that family’s needs.

So we are asking each person to send a check to Clarence in the amount of $25 for the needy family in this area selected by Social Services. If you want, you can drop the check into the collection plate-just remember to put on it ECM Christmas Fund, or it will go into the regular bank account. All monies given to this cause are tax deductible and Clarence will provide a balance of contributions including church pledges to each of us for next year’s taxes.

Please get the donation in to Clarence ASAP, but please no later than the end of November. Let’s work together to make this Christmas for a needy family the best they ever had!!

We also agreed to revise the Transportation Program and the volunteers list is being reviewed. If you have some free time and could drive a person to the doctor or hospital, notify me and I’ll add your name to the list. We also agreed to ask the Vestry to schedule Women’s Night Out on February 15th, the day after Valentine’s Day. A program of fun and games is now under consideration, suggestions will be welcomed.

So get those checks into Clarence when you can. Our next meeting will be December 14th, and I will be giving the devotional. Please mark your calendars and plan to be there. Any questions, give me a call.We had a good meeting Saturday and discussed the upcoming Holidays. The group wanted to do two things: provide needy families with food and gifts for the upcoming holidays. In that vein, with the little bit of money in the Church treasury that is earmarked for us, it was decided that we will take a small but appropriate amount for food for a needy family for Thanksgiving. Johnny Davis volunteered to contact Social Services and get the name of a family needing help in getting food for Thanksgiving.

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