Bulletin Date: February 24, 2013 5:00 am
Second Sunday in Lent
Morning Prayer, Rite I, 11AM
Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982; S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise)
LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)
As you enter this sacred space that has been set aside for time with God, join us in silence as we go to God in prayer.
The Ringing of the Bell
Prelude Air in F-Major G. F. Handel
Processional Hymn The God of Abraham praise H 401
Opening Verse BCP 38
Confession of Sin BCP 41
The Invitatory and Psalter BCP 42
The Venite Come let us sing to the Lord S 35
The Appointed Psalm Psalm 27 BCP 617
The Lessons
First Lesson Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
Canticle 4 The Song of Zechariah BCP 50
Second Lesson Philippians 3:17-4:1
Canticle 5 The Song of Simeon BCP 51
The Gospel Luke 13:31-35
The Sermon The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks
The Apostles’ Creed BCP 53
Birthday and Anniversary Blessings BCP 830, #51; 431
Offertory O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High Choir
The Prayers BCP 54
Suffrages B BCP 55
Collect for the Second Sunday in Lent Insert
The General Thanksgiving BCP 58
A Prayer of St Chrysostom BCP 59
Recessional Hymn Jerusalem the golden H 624
Concluding Verse
The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen
Welcome to St Peter’s! Our hope is that you will find God’s love present with you in this place and that you will return here often.
Our communion bread is gluten free.
Our Senior Warden for 2013 is Eunice Key, and our Junior Warden is Cookie Davis.
Happy Birthday – Virginia Fall (Feb. 27), Mary Ann Betchy, Barbara Wisdom (Feb. 28)
Please bring box tops for the children’s “Box Tops for Education.”
We need plastic Easter eggs for our next community dinner. If you have some to donate, please leave them in the back pew.
See the Lenten Resource page at churchsp.org/lentatstpeters2013 .
“Feasting with Jesus” continues Feb 28th at 6PM with the Banquet. The host of a banquet provided the best possible food, drink and entertainment. These banquets often strengthened community and sharing. This class is based on the book The Food and Feasts of Jesus: Inside the World of First-Century Fare, with Menus and Recipes, Douglas Neel & Joel Pugh.
Ladies Night Out, March 9, 2013. Please let Bill Wick know if you are planning to attend.
Coffee Hour volunteers needed! To continue our tradition of Coffee Hour, we need people to host this time of fellowship. Please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board outside the church.
Please consider a donation to the Tools for the Sudan Project, a Region One project. Buy an agricultural or fishing tool from the shopping cart on the bulletin board or online. (churchsp.org/toolsforthesudan) for as little as $10 and support new residents from the north starting a new life in South Sudan & Region One’s own missionary, Larry Duffee.
“Forgiveness” – Lenten Adult Education —Sunday mornings at 9:45am in Fall Hall.
——————————- Week of Feb. 24 ——————————–
· Wed., Feb. 27th, 10:00am – Midweek Bible Study
· Wed., Feb 27th , 4:45pm – Children’s Program
· Thurs., Feb 28st ,6PM-7:30pm – “Feasting with Jesus” – Fall Hall
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
823 Water Street PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535
Website: www.churchsp.org Parish Office: (804) 742-5908
The Vestry
Eunice Key, Senior Warden – (804) 633-2165
Cookie Davis, Junior Warden (804) 742-5654
Laura Carey, Cynthia Fields, Fred Pannell, Boyd Wisdom
Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Elizabeth Heimbach Registrar
Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist
The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge
(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com
Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring
Prayer List
Toni Fabisy, Brad Volland, Boyd Wisdom, Vivian McDonald, Susan Linne von Berg, John and Sylvia Sellars, Shaun (requesting prayers for himself from our St Peter’s community)
Virginia Nelson (friend of Kellie Modesitt),Katie Carpenter, Corey Colson (friends of Chris Fisher), Logan Deeds (friend of Terri Harrison) , Maureen Butler and family, Jon Dephouse, Alice Woodard (friends and aunt of Catherine Hicks), Tracy Houck, Nancy Hartwick, Helen Ferree, Cathy Mercurio, Roland Richards, and Ann Cooper (friends of Brad Volland), Gloria Jewell and Lute Smith, Charles and Yvonne Johnson (friends of the Pannells and Laura Carey) , Jeff, Carolyn & Elizabeth Nelson, Loretta Harich, Carole Morehead (friends of the Newmans), Kelly Paterino (daughter of the Wisdoms), Annette McDonald (friend of Cookie Davis), Leilani Oldham (relative of Mike and Marilyn Newman), Marjorie Gilliland (mother of John Gilliland), Steven Fox ( husband of our nursery worker, Judy Fox), David Watson (uncle of Ruth TenHoven), Bernie and Doyle (friends of Ruth TenHoven), , Russell Smith, Daniel Smith (brothers of Susan Linne von Berg), Jim Hedlund (friend of Nancy & Bill Wick), Eudora Heath, Harold Whitfield (extended family of Laura Carey), Albert Barnett (uncle of Andrea Pogue), Kay Bodeen , Kathi Coles (sister-in-law and daughter of Clarence and Betty Kunstmann), Carrie Griffith (mother of Marilyn Newman), Butch and Carolyn Delhagen (sister of Mike Newman & brother-in-law of the Newmans), Jessica Machuga (granddaughter of Millie Muhly), Dorine Righman (sister of BJ Anderson), Elizabeth Hicks (daughter of Ben & Catherine Hicks)
Passed into Eternal LIfe: Bobby Betchy (uncle of Joe Betchy)
Serving in the Armed Forces
Alexander Long V Gordon Devine Jeffrey Woodard
David Locklerr Daniel Vanpike Joseph George
Collin Stoddard Jeremy Stoddard
Serving Next Sunday
Lector: H. Linne von Berg LEM: B. Wick Acolyte: T. Schnakenberg Gospel Bearer: C. Carter Greeters: J, C. Davis Elements: D, L. Beck
Second Sunday in Lent February 24, 2013
“Jerusalem of Gold”-Naim Basson
“But our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. “ Philippians 3:20
ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church