Easter 7, The Ascension, Year A

7th Sunday of Easter, Ascension Sunday

Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Priest-in-Charge: The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982; S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise)

LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)

In the name of Christ, we welcome you to this Church. May those who sorrow find comfort; the weary, rest; the unhappy, joy; the troubled, peace; the stranger, friends; and to all the sense of God’s Presence in this holy place.

The Ringing of the Bell


Processional Hymn Rejoice, the Lord is King!                                                                         H 481

The Word of God

Opening Acclamation                                                                                                                      BCP 355 

Hymn of Praise                                        To God be the glory                                                       Insert  

The Collect of the Day                                                                                                                          Insert 

First Reading                                             Acts 1:6-14 

Psalm                                                            Psalm 68:1-10, 33-36 BCP 676 

Epistle                                                          1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11

Sequence Hymn                                       In my life, Lord, be glorified                           LEVAS 216 

Gospel                                                          John 17:1-11

The Sermon                                                                                                   The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks 

The Nicene Creed                                                                                                                                BCP 358 

The Prayers of the People                                                                                                                     Insert 

Confession of Sin                                                                                                                                  BCP 360 

The Peace                                                                                                                                                 BCP 360 


Birthday and Anniversary Blessings                                                                         BCP 830 #51/431 

The Holy Communion

The Offertory                                         Come thou fount of every blessing                              H 686 

Eucharistic Prayer C                                                                                                                           BCP 369 

Sanctus                                                                                                                                                            S 127 

The Lord’s Prayer                                                                                                                                BCP 364 

The Breaking of the Bread                                                                                                               BCP 364 

Fraction Anthem Christ our Passover                                                                                               S 155

The Communion of the People of God

Communion Hymn                               One bread, one body                                              LEVAS 151 

Post-Communion Prayer                                                                                                                 BCP 365 

The Blessing

Closing Hymn                                          The church of Christ in every age                       WLP 779 

Dismissal & Postlude






Welcome to St. Peter’s! Our hope is that you will find God’s love present with you in this place and that you will return here often. Our communion bread is gluten free.

Please join us after this service for Coffee hour in the Parish House

Happy Anniversary – David and Linda Beck (June 2), Johnathan and Odessa Davis (June 5).

The UTO Offering will be received today. If you’d like to contribute, write a check to St Peter’s and put “UTO” on the memo line.

Next Sunday, June 8th Pentecost! Wear Red in honor of the arrival of the Holy Spirit and to celebrate the “birthday of the church.”

Tucker Fisher will be receiving his God and Family award for Cub Scouts next Sunday. Please offer Tucker your congratulations on this accomplishment.

Next Sunday we will bid farewell to the Rev. Amy Turner. Please join us for a reception on the lawn after the service in her honor.

ECW. Let Marion Mahoney know by June 8 if you plan to go on the ECW outing to Maymont on Wednesday, June 18th. Cost is $7.

Online course on living a “Living a Spirit Filled Life” begins next Sunday, June 8th. Details http://churchsp.org/spiritcourse. You can register free now.

Update on the organ bellows. We only have $4,805 still to go. Donations can be made to St Peter’s, with “Organ Bellows” in the memo line. More information churchsp.org/organbellows.

———————————–This Week —————————————–

Wed., June 4, 10am – Ecumenical Bible Study

• Wed., June 4, 5pm – Village Dinner

• Thurs, June 5, 6:30pm – Peumansend Jail Bible Study



St. Peter’s Episcopal Church


823 Water Street PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA 22535

Website: www.churchsp.org Parish Office: (804) 742-5908

The Vestry Boyd Wisdom, Senior Warden – (804) 742-5224 Johnny Davis, Junior Warden – (804) 742-5654 

Laura Carey, Cynthia Fields, Fred Pannell, Roger Key

Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Elizabeth Heimbach Registrar

Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist

The Rev. Amy Turner, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge

(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com

Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring

Prayer List

Linda Upshaw, Crystal and Fred Pannell, Barbara and Boyd Wisdom, Nancy Wick, Myrtle Samuels, Genevieve Davis, Peggy Roberts, Toni Fabisy, Brad Volland, Vivian McDonald, John and Sylvia Sellars and we pray for the Gideons and the spreading of the Gospel.

Mark Dobronski (friend of the Wicks), Roselyn Rothrock (sister of Dave Fannon), Le’a Smith (family of Nancy Long), Mohan Machuga (grandson of Millie Muhly), Charlene Schnackenberg (mother of Becky Fisher), Bill Upshaw, (family of Linda Upshaw), Steven Geraci (family of Marion Mahoney), Leroy Fisher (grandfather of Chris Fisher), Kim Hulik (friend of the Heimbachs), Jose Gutierrez, Marc Boivin(friend of Region One), Tracy Howes(granddaughter of the Muhlys),Jaki Gathercole and family (friends of the Fishers), Nancy Davis(sister-in-law of Johnny Davis), Jack Lord, Michelle and Brett, Bobby Hill and family, Kelly C., Jason Davidson, Kirby McClain, Bobbye Canaday (friends of Catherine Hicks), Rick and Linda Ferree and family, Nancy Hartwick, Betty Davenport (friends of Brad Volland), Gloria Jewell, Charles and Yvonne Johnson (friends of the Pannells and Laura Carey), Chuck Beckman, Nina Brunell, Jeff, Carolyn & Elizabeth Nelson, Carole Morehead (friends of the Newmans), Carrie Griffith (mother of Marilyn Newman), Butch and Carolyn Delhagen, Bob and Diane Creel(relatives of the Newmans), Marjorie Gilliland (mother of John Gilliland), David Watson (uncle of Ruth TenHoven), Bernie and Doyle (friends of Ruth TenHoven), Russell Smith, Daniel Smith (brothers of Susan Linne von Berg), Eudora Heath, Albert Barnett, Morris Samuels, Patricia Edwards (uncle , brother and sister of Andrea Pogue)


Serving in the Armed Forces


 Alexander Long V                                  Gordon Devine                                Christopher Feliciano 

 David Locklerr                                       Daniel Vanpike                                               Joseph  George 

Christopher R. DeHart                        Steven Lee                                              Jonathan Wilkerson 





seventh Sunday OF Easter, The Ascension 

June 1, 2014, 11am  

The Ascension window, 1885 (St. George’s Episcopal, Fredericksburg)


ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church

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