Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Dec 18, 2011

Title:Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Dec 18, 2011

Bulletin Date: December 18, 2011 5:00 am

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B

Priest-in-Charge:  The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

(BCP—Book of Common Prayer, H-Hymnal 1982;  S Numbers are the service music found in the front of The Hymnal 1982; WLP-Wonder, Love and Praise, LEVAS-Lift Every Voice and Sing II)

As you enter this sacred space that has been set aside for time with God, join us in silence as we go to God in prayer.


Welcome                                                                             The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

The Ringing of the Bell            

Processional Hymn                              The Snow Lay on the Ground                  H 110

Opening Prayers

                                              The Christmas Story Unfolds


Narration 1:  John 1:23-28                   John the Baptist

Hymn                                                     Prepare the Way O Zion                             H 65

Narration 2:  Luke 1:26-31,38              Gabriel appears to Mary

Narration 3:  Matthew 1:18-25            Mary and Joseph

Hymn                                                     O Come, O Come Emanuel  (vs 1)              H 56

Narration 4:  Luke 2:1-6                       Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem

Hymn                                                     O Little Town of Bethlehem                        H 79

Narration 5: Luke 2:7                            Jesus is Born        

 Hush A Ba Birdie, arr. Allison Kinnaird                                  Marilyn Newman, harp

Narration 6: Luke 2:8-14                      The angels appear to the shepherds

       Congregation stands and shouts with the angelic host—

     Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill among people! 

Hymn                                                     Angels from the Realms of Glory               H 93

Narration 7:  Luke 2:15-16                   The shepherds go to Bethlehem

                                       Away in a Manger, sung by Angels and Shepherds             

Narration 8:  Matthew 2: 1-2, 9-11      The Wise Men

Hymn                                                     We Three Kings                                         H 128

                                                                (Congregation sings refrain & verse 5)

Closing Collect


Hymn                                                     Good Christian Men, Rejoice                   H 107




Welcome to St Peter’s!  Our hope is that you will find God’s love present with you in this place and that you will return here often to worship.

Thank you to Nancy Long, Becky Fisher, and the entire cast who helped to make the pageant possible this year.  Thank you to Marilyn Newman for the lovely harp music.


Please remember to bring non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry.

Several collections or signups that are ongoing are due this Sunday – Christmas gifts under the tree, tea bags to be donated, and signup for the Fellowship dinners for early 2012.

Today’s offering will be received at the back door as you depart.

Collect for the Fourth Sunday of Advent

Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself: who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.


————————————This  Week ————————————-

·   Wed., Dec. 21st, 10am   Midweek Bible Study.

·   Wed., Dec. 21st, 12:30pm –  ECW luncheon at Hobbs Hole

·   Sat.,  Dec. 24th, 5:00pm    Christmas Eve Service

·   Sun.,  Dec. 25th, 11:00am    Christmas Day Service (No Christian Ed)


———————————Following  Week ———————————

·   Wed., Dec. 28th – No Midweek Bible Study or Children’s Choir

·   Sat., Dec. 31st, 6:00pm  – New Year’s Gala in the Parish House

 St. Peter’s Episcopal Church

828 Water Street

PO Box 399, Port Royal, VA  22535

Website:  www.churchsp.org

Parish Office:  (804) 742-5908

The Vestry

Linda Beck, Senior Warden –(804)  742-5056

Liz Heimbach , Junior Warden – (804) 742-5543

Bill Smith, Terri Harrison, Carolyn Davis, Eunice Key

Clarence Kunstmann, Treasurer & Terri Harrison, Registrar

Brad Volland – Music Director & Organist

Webmaster – Ben Hicks

The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks, Priest- in- Charge

(540) 809-7489, (540) 898-1586, stpetersrev@gmail.com

Christ Centered, Biblically Based, Spirit Filled, Caring

                             Prayer List                                         


Jeremy Pitts

Bud and Cathy Mercurio  

C. W.

Donald and Joan Pichette

Brad Volland

Marilyn Washington

Denise Bradford

Mary Ann Gawalt

John and Sylvia Sellars

Danny Chaffin

Jeremiah Butler

Joyce Makey

David Watson

Julia and Adrienne Acors

Carrie Griffith

Carole Morehead

Ethel Shook

Butch & Caroline Delhagen

Yvonne Johnson

Vivian McDonald


Wesley Berry

Harold Whitfield, Sr.

Loretta Harich

Walter Campbell

Tolsey Castles

Alice Ennis

Joan and Tommy Pemberton

Bernie and Doyle

Boyd Wisdom

Jean Woomer

Betty Enos

Rachel Schnakenberg

Woody Everett

Jim Koch

Jill Heyes

Kelly and Scott Kinsey

Anna Rimmer

Carl Blevins

Lucy Ruybal

Steve Fox

The Jones-Williams family

Kelsey Sheward

Rolanda Coghill


Serving in the Armed Forces


Alexander Long V          

Gordon Devine

John Wall V

David Locklerr

Daniel Vanpike

Jeffrey Woodard

Collin Stoddard

Jeremy Stoddard

Joseph George


 Fourth Sunday of ADVENT

December 11, 2011



Advent 4 


ST. Peter’s Episcopal Church

Port Royal, VA


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