Service of Praise and Thanksgiving

Title:Service of Praise and Thanksgiving

Bulletin Date: November 20, 2011 5:00 am

Service of Praise and Thanksgiving

November 20, 2011

St Peter’s Episcopal Church and Memorial Baptist Church

Port Royal, VA 

Gathering Music                                                           Marilyn Newman, Harp

Welcome                                                               The Rev. Catherine D. Hicks

Opening Hymn       Shall we Gather at the River                          LEVAS  141

Opening Prayer                                                             The Rev. Mike Raphael

Hymn                        We Gather Together                                                H  433

The Reading of Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation Mike Newman

Hymn                        Come Ye Thankful People Come                             H 290

Old Testament Reading                                                   Deuteronomy  8:7-18

Hymn                        How Great Thou Art                                         LEVAS 60

New Testament Reading                                                   2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Hymn                        Praise to God, Immortal Praise                                 H 288

Offertory                  Barbara Raphael

Prayers of Thanksgiving                                                                 LEVAS  214

Closing Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving                

Closing Hymn         Praise Him! Praise Him!           

Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord! Thanks be to God!

Organ Postlude       Rejoice! The Lord is King!                             Arr. Swann


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