The Rev. Jonathan Boucher, born in England, came to American in 1757 and settled in Caroline County as rector of St. Mary’s Parish where he served until 1772. He was a resident of Port Royal and often wrote in his diary about his adventures as a preacher and tutor. While teaching the children of Edward Dixon, Jackie Custis, stepson of George Washington became one of his students.
While living in Port Royal, he wrote, "On the 12th of July, I landed at Urbanna and soon after got up to the place of my destination which was Captain Dixon’s at Port Royal in Caroline County. Here I met with a cordial Reception. Being hospitable as well as wealthy, Capt Dixon’s house was much resorted to, but chiefly for the toddy drinking company. Port Royal was inhabited by factors from Scotland and their dependents, and the circumjacent country by planters in middling circumstances. Their was not a literary man, for aught I could find."
Rev. Boucher was responsible for having Christianized and educated a large number of Africans then living in Caroline. One Nov. 24,1765 he baptized 115. On Easter Monday 1766 he baptized 313.
At the outbreak of the Revolution, Boucher, an ardent Royalist, felt that he was being persecuted and punished. His loyalty to the crown compelled his return to his native country. On September 10,1775 Rev. Boucher and his wife, midst tears and cries of their slaves, went aboard the ship "Nell Goynne" and sailed for England. His intent was to return after the storm blew over and the country returned to British rule. However he never returned.
In 1799 he softened his feelings towards his old friend and later enemy, George Washington. He authored the book, "A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution." He dedicated it to George Washington
He died in Dover, England in 1804 and is buried there.